ANSYS Seminar Announcement

ANSYS software is a general-purpose physics-based simulation/analysis software that can be used to simulate the interaction of engineers with all the disciplines of physics in the fields of electromagnetic fields such as strength, vibration, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. An information seminar about the capabilities of ANSYS software is planned to be held on December 07, 2018 (Friday) between 15:00-18:00 hours at METU Electrical Electronics Engineering Sevim Tan Amphitheater (D231).


Innovative Software Competition (Y3)

Innovative Software Competition (Y3) is an annual competition series organized by the Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB) and METU Image Analysis Center (OGAM).

This year's competition will aim to measure the capabilities and know-how of universities, companies and researchers in the field of automatic target detection and recognition from electro-optic (E/O) satellite images in a fair and precise way.


A new book coauthored by our faculty member Prof. Kuzuoğlu

A new book coauthored by our faculty member Prof. Kuzuoğlu:
"MATLAB-based Finite Element Programming in Electromagnetic Modeling"

The other author of the book "MATLAB-based Finite Element Programming in Electromagnetic Modeling", is Prof. Özlem Özgün, Hacettepe University, and the publisher is CRC Press.
