The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was founded with a threefold mission in teaching, research, and public service. Based on that foundation, the goal of the Department, in all major fields of electrical engineering, is to instill in students the attitudes, values, vision, and training that will prepare them for lifetimes of continued learning and leadership, to develop the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the benefit of society; to generate new knowledge for the betterment of humankind and disseminate it universally; and to generate realistic and innovative solutions for the current and future technological needs and to play a leading role to form the van of social and scientific progress and to provide special services when there are needs that the department is uniquely qualified to meet.
The purpose of the Department is to provide professional training, and at the same time to participate actively in applied and theoretical research. It is therefore necessary for students to acquire a sound knowledge of basic sciences, such as mathematics, physics and chemistry together with an understanding of economics, social sciences and humanities before specialization takes place. The program is designed to encourage the development of individual initiative and resourcefulness with emphasis on responsibility and good judgment.
The undergraduate program is designed for students who may wish to delay their decisions until the end of the fifth semester as to which of the several fields of Electrical and Electronics Engineering they will choose. The students may specialize in the fields of biomedical engineering, communications, computer engineering, control systems, electrical machines and power electronics, electronics, microwaves and antennas, power systems and high voltage, signal processing. The selection of the fields of specialization in the fourth year must be made under the close supervision of the Department advisors or of the Chair of the Department. Successful candidates are awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the end of the fourth year. During this period of undergraduate study students are expected to spend a minimum of 40 working days in industry over two consecutive summers.
Research, on the other hand, is the life blood of an institution of higher education. Some of the major research activities are: Biomedical Signal Processing, Brain Research, Electrocardiography (ECG), Medical Imaging, Medical Instrumentation, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks, Computer Vision, Embedded Systems and Software, Microprocessor Architecture, Neural Networks, Software Engineering, Intelligent Control, Linear System Theory, Nonlinear Control Theory, System Identification and Adaptive Control, Magnetic Design of Electrical Machines, Control of Electrical Motor Drives, Electric Power Quality and Utility Power Electronics, Switch-Mode Power Supplies, Power Converter Control and Pulse Pattern Optimization, Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Systems, Electric Vehicles and Traction Drives, Microwave Circuit Modeling and Design, Antenna Analysis and Design, Computational Electromagnetics, RF MEMS, Propagation, Radar Imaging (SAR/ISAR) Optics, Remote Sensing and Target Identification, HPM (High Power Microwave) Pulse generation and protection, Electricity Generation, Power System Transmission and Distribution Systems, Power System Protection, Power System Stability, Transients in Power Systems, High Voltage, Electricity Trading, smart grid, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Microsystem Technologies, Analog, Digital, Mixed Signal IC Design, Silicon-based Integrated Microsensor and Transducers, Biomedical Microsystems (Bio-MEMs), Radio Frequency-MEMS, Infrared Detectors and Readout circuitry, Micromachined Inertial Sensors, Compound Semiconductor Devices, Quantum Devices, Infrared Photon Sensors and Thermal Imaging, Semiconductor Device Simulation and Modeling, Photovoltaics, Silicon Photonics, DSP Theory, Hardware/Software Systems for Signal Processing, Image and Video Signal Processing, Multimedia Signal Processing, Signal Processing for Communications, Speech and Audio Processing, Statistical Signal Processing, Communication Theory, Information Theory, Optical Networks, Wireless Communications, 5G, 6G.
These activities forming a mutually beneficial link between the university and industry serve not only as a stimulus for a more intensive research environment in the Department but constitute a channel of information about the present and future needs of the industry to help in the improvement of the educational programs.
In the Department, strong academic programs provide a background for the directed research that form a part of the M.S. and Ph.D. and Integrated M.S.-Ph.D. programs.