We congratulate you on your upcoming graduation from the METU Electrical and Electronics Engineering department.

We provide an email forwarding service to our BS graduates, free of charge, hopefully for lifetime... 

This message aims to inform you about this service. Make sure to join this service, before your current METU account expires. 

Email Aliasing and Forwarding Service:

Following your graduation, your e1XXXXX email account is closed in a few months. The official student mail address shows a clear connection between you and METU. Unfortunately this connection becomes invisible, once your account is closed. The following service re-establishes the connection between you and METU.

We explain the service with an example: Let's say that Mr. Ali Yuksek Akim is a 2015 graduate of our department. Let's say Ali uses akim@company.com.tr email address for his work. 

To Mr. Akim, we provide 'ali.yuksek.akim@alumni.eee.metu.edu.tr' email address. The emails sent to this address (ali.yuksek.akim@alumni.eee.metu.edu.tr) will be forwarded to Mr. Akim's primary email address (akim@company.com.tr). This email (ali.yuksek.akim@alumni.eee.metu.edu.tr) address is easy to remember and will be available for life-time; therefore it is always good for getting in touch with Mr. Akim.

Using this service,
1. Many years from now Mr. Akim's friends can get in touch with him.
2. Many years from now department can get in touch with Mr. Akim, say, to deliver his 10th year graduation medal! ( Check this page https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOOc4h6OW_84nQoCoRtGu5i0QGQRf35_tuB-pwjVARgm05rnaNsQvLXCQsNIcLr3A?key=SzVjRklvUC1qd3pxUkd3d3BDbUNJbUxGRVIwdlVB ) 
3. Mr. Akim can discreetly present his prestigious METU degree to his other colleagues/boss/new friends by mentioning his email (or writing on his business card.)

Our current plan is to provide this service as long as we can...
(We continually run this service since June 2009.)

To enroll to this system:

Go to:



login (***Important***  -> For the first login please select forgot password link to receive your password.)

and change your email forwarding address to your currently working address. Remember that e1XXXXX@metu.edu.tr will expire shortly, complete these steps as soon as possible.

We wish you a great graduation ceremony,

Best wishes,


On Behalf of METU - EE