Gözde Bozdağı Akar
Room No
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+90 (312) 210 2341


Post-Doc: University of Rochester, Electrical and Computer Eng., Rochester, NY, USA, 1994-1995

Ph.D: Bilkent University, Dept of Electrical and Electronics Eng., 1994

M.Sc.: Bilkent University, Dept of Electrical and Electronics Eng., 1990

B.Sc: Middle East Technical University, Dept of Electrical and Electronics Eng., 1988

Research Interests

  • Embedded systems
  • Medical AI
  • Superresolution
  • Industrial AI
  • Digital Transformation


Please see or google scholar for the full list.


  • Microcalcification and mass detection in mammograms, consultant, 2022-2023

  • Evaluation of the Performance of Electrocardiographic Imaging in the Detection of Foci of Premature Ventricular Contraction from Clinical Data, TÜBİTAK International Bilateral Joint Cooperation Program Project, Project member, 2021-2024

  • Middle East Technical University Digital Innovation Center, EU IPA Project, Project member, 2021-2025

  • Burried Target Detection, ASELSAN, coordinator, 2019-2022

  • Architecture and performance Benchmarking studies for Radar Signal Processing, Thales, project member, 2018-2020

  • Camera quality measurement for video surveillance systems, Supported by Higher Education Institutions, coordinator, 2018 - 2019

Awards & Grants

IEEE RAB. "IEEE RAB Leadership Award", (11.2001). For stimulating and excellent leadership in Student Activities in the IEEE Turkey Section, IEEE Region 8 and RAB Student Activities.  

IEEE Turkey Distinguished Service Award, 2019. For  great contributions as a branch manager and a member of board of management in IEEE Turkey. 

METU Technopolis Achievement Award. For university-industry cooperation. 

Courses / Laboratories

EE 348 (Digital Design)

EE 314 (Digital Design Lab) 

EE446 (Computer Architecture II)

EE445 (Computer Architecture I) 

EE447 (Introduction to Microprocessors)

EE 493-494 (Engineering Design I,II)

EE 636 - Digital Video Processing