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En Çok Atıf Alan Güncel Yayınların Listesini Görmek İçin Tıklayınız


[Biomedical] Gozu M.S., Gencer N.G., "Analyzing Pulse Compression Performance and Image Quality Metrics of Different Excitations in MAET With Magnetic Field Measurements", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 40, art. no. e3890, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Biomedical] Soydan D.A., Top C.B., Gencer N.G., "On the utilization of the adjoint method in microwave tomography", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 40, art. no. e3818, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Biomedical] Tanriverdi V., Gencer N.G., "Induced Current Electro-Thermal Imaging for Breast Tumor Detection: A Numerical and Experimental Study", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 52, pp. 1078-1090, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Karatas M., Guvensen G.M., "Iterative Detection Schemes for Uplink Highly Loaded User-Centric Hybrid Beamforming Based Frequency Selective Massive MIMO Networks", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Ozen H., Guvensen G.M., "Interference and Beam Squint Aware TTD-Aided Beamforming for Dual Wideband Massive MIMO", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 13, pp. 64-68, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Ozen H., Yilmaz O., Guvensen G.M., "Beam-Squint-Aware Channel Estimation for Dual-Wideband UPA-Type RIS-Aided Massive MIMO", IEEE Communications Letters, 28, pp. 2367-2371, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Salman M.B., Bjornson E., Guvensen G.M., Ciloglu T., "Nonlinear Distortion Correlation Aware Power Allocation for Massive MIMO Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Salman M.B., Ucuncu A.B., Guvensen G.M., "Reduced Complexity Correlation-Based Multi-Stream DPD for Hybrid Massive MIMO", IEEE Communications Letters, 28, pp. 677-681, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Guzel I., Ozbayrak D., Calderbank R., Hareedy A., "Eliminating Media Noise While Preserving Storage Capacity: Reconfigurable Constrained Codes for Two-Dimensional Magnetic Recording", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 70, pp. 4905-4927, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Irimagzi C., Uslan Y., Hareedy A., "Protecting the Future of Information: LOCO Coding with Error Detection for DNA Data Storage", IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications, 10, pp. 317-333, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Computer] Akpinar M., Guran Schmidt E., Werner Schmidt K., "Weak TDMA for the Deterministic Medium Access on the Controller Area Network", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25, pp. 8568-8577, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Computer] Ayhan Kilinc Z., Schmidt E.G., Schmidt K.W., "Computation of tight bounds for the worst-case end-to-end delay on Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet", Journal of Systems Architecture, 156, art. no. 103278, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Computer] Gokce I.P., Ucuncu M., Schmidt E.G., "OMNeT++ Simulation Framework for Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet", Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 21, pp. 443-454, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Computer] Koltuk F., Schmidt E.G., "Uniformity and Independence of H3 Hash Functions for Bloom Filters", IEEE Transactions on Computers, 73, pp. 1913-1923, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Computer] Ulusoy I., Geduk S., "Improved brain effective connectivity modelling by dynamic Bayesian networks", Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 409, art. no. 110211, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Computer] Cakal U., Maryada, Wu C., Ulusoy I., Muir D.R., "Gradient-descent hardware-aware training and deployment for mixed-signal neuromorphic processors", Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, 4, art. no. 014011, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Ergezer H., Leblebicioglu K., "Control structure design with constraints for a slung load quadrotor system", Measurement and Control (United Kingdom), 57, pp. 16-29, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Millidere M., Akgul F., Leblebicioglu K., Whidborne J.F., "Development of Aerodynamic and Propulsion Models Using the Iterative Equation Error Method", Aerospace, 11, art. no. 8, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Sahin K.K., Balci A.E., Ozkan E., "Random matrix extended target tracking for trajectory-aligned and drifting targets", IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 18, pp. 2247-2263, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Umsonst D., Saritas S., Dan G., Sandberg H., "A Bayesian Nash Equilibrium-Based Moving Target Defense Against Stealthy Sensor Attacks", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69, pp. 1659-1674, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Akpinar M., Schmidt K.W., "Predictable Timestamping for the Controller Area Network: Evaluation and Effect on Clock Synchronization Accuracy", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 54, art. no. 3332559, pp. 1926-1935, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Alemdar O.S., Oner M.U., Altun O., Keysan O., "Ripple Minimization in Asymmetric Interleaved DC-DC Converters Using Neural Networks", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 39, pp. 3411-3421, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Ayaz E., Altun O., Gulsuna O., Keysan O., "Narrowband and Wideband Dual-Mode Wireless Power Transfer System with a Single Transmitter", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Demirel A., Keysan O., El-Dalahmeh M., Al-Greer M., "Non-invasive real-time diagnosis of PMSM faults implemented in motor control software for mission critical applications", Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 232, art. no. 114684, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Gulsuna O., Tokgoz F., Karakaya F., Keysan O., "Design and Analysis of a GaN-Based Megahertz Integrated Motor Drive for a PCB Motor", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 71, pp. 15435-15444, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Gundogdu T., Akuru U.B., Wu Z., Komurgoz G., Mese E., Ozgonenel O., Keysan O., Gulbahce M.O., "Message from Editors", CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems, 8, pp. 241-244, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Mokhtare M.H., Keysan O., "Optimal sizing of battery energy storage system for a large-scale offshore wind power plant considering grid code constraints: A Turkish case study", IET Renewable Power Generation, 18, pp. 3067-3076, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Safavi V., Mohammadi Vaniar A., Bazmohammadi N., Vasquez J.C., Keysan O., Guerrero J.M., "Early prediction of battery remaining useful life using CNN-XGBoost model and Coati optimization algorithm", Journal of Energy Storage, 98, art. no. 113176, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Adanir S., Alatan L., "Closed-Form Dyadic Green's Functions for Dipole Excitation of Planar Periodic Structures", IEEE Access, 12, pp. 46704-46716, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun A., Nesimoglu T., Demir S., "A Multi-Box Behavioural Nonlinear Mixer Model", International Journal of Electronics, 111, pp. 1384-1402, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Sacin E.S., Durgun A.C., "Microstrip patch antenna modeling using neural networks with knowledge-based regularization", Neural Computing and Applications, art. no. 541354, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Eris O., Ergul O., "Design, simulation, and measurement of near-zero-index shells for electromagnetic beam generation", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 38, pp. 213-233, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Kalfa M., Ergul O., Erturk V.B., "Multiple-Precision Arithmetic Implementation of the Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 72, pp. 11-21, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Asirim O.E., Asirim E.Z., Kuzuoglu M., "Predictive Modeling of Light–Matter Interaction in One Dimension: A Dynamic Deep Learning Approach", Applied System Innovation, 7, art. no. 4, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Asirim O.E., Kuzuoglu M., "Plasmonic tuning of nano-antennas for super-gain light amplification", JPhys Photonics, 6, art. no. 025011, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Kuzuoglu M., Mittra R., "Self-Tuning Locally Conformal PML Mesh Truncation for 3-D Vector Finite Element Method", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 72, pp. 2036-2040, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Lv X., Zhang Y., Shi Q., Fu Y., Temiz M., El-Makadema A., Li H., "Multibeam Cylindrical Conformal Array in the Presence of Enhanced Mutual Coupling", Electronics (Switzerland), 13, art. no. 373, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Meng C., Zhang Y., Temiz M., El-Makadema A., "A Multiobjective Array Beamforming Method for Arrays of Flexible Shape", Electronics (Switzerland), 13, art. no. 752, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karacan N., Cetin H., Turhan-Sayan G., Ekmekci E., "Chemical Liquid and Concentration Sensing Applications Based on an All-Dielectric Absorber", IEEE Sensors Journal, 24, pp. 23851-23858, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karacan N., Turhan-Sayan G., Ekmekci E., "Sensitivity Analyses for All-Dielectric Absorber Structures Having Different Dielectric Resonator Geometries and Investigation of the Effect of Boundary Conditions on the Absorption Spectra", Electrica, 24, pp. 163-174, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Kocak S., Akin T., "Energy-efficient switching method using input-swapping for high-resolution successive approximation register analog-to-digital converters", Electronics Letters, 60, art. no. e12873, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Demirhan Aydin G., Akar O.S., Akin T., "Wafer Level Vacuum Packaging of MEMS-Based Uncooled Infrared Sensors", Micromachines, 15, art. no. 935, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Isik N., Kocaman S., "Active Surface Passivation for mesa type short-wave infrared InGaAs Photodetectors", Infrared Physics and Technology, 143, art. no. 105590, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Sarihan M.C., Govdeli A., Lan Z., Yilmaz Y.B., Erdil M., Wang Y., Aras M.S., Yanik C., Panoiu N.C., Wong C.W., Kocaman S., "Isotropic gap formation, localization, and waveguiding in mesoscale Yukawa-potential amorphous structures", Communications Physics, 7, art. no. 45, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Sahin A., Akdeniz O., Kocaman S., "Rapid fabrication approach for active photonic devices by employing spin-on dopants", Optics Letters, 49, pp. 4433-4436, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Caglayan Arslan Z., Okan M., Kulah H., "Pre-enrichment-free detection of hepatocellular carcinoma-specific ctDNA via PDMS and MEMS-based microfluidic sensor", Microchimica Acta, 191, art. no. 229, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Kilercik M., Ozgur E., Sahin S., Dogan B.S., Mutlu E., Cihan C., Kolay M., Erkal N., Zorlu O., Doganca T.S., Kural A.R., Tufek I., Kulah H., "Detection of circulating tumor cells in non-metastatic prostate cancer through integration of a microfluidic CTC enrichment system and multiparametric flow cytometry", PLoS ONE, 19, art. no. e0312296, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Pirim F., Atik A.C., Yuksel M.B., Yilmaz A.M., Ugur M.B., Tunali S., Batu A., Aslan M.K., Ozer M.B., Kulah H., "Multichannel multimodal piezoelectric middle ear implant concept based on MEMS technology for next-generation fully implantable cochlear implant applications", Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X, 18, art. no. 100471, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Sahin B., Dogan B.S., Ozgur E., Zorlu O., Yildirim E., Kulah H., "A microfluidic platform for real-time enumeration and high accuracy retrieval of a very low number of cells", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 28, art. no. 68, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Yuksel M.B., Atik A.C., Kulah H., "Piezoelectric Multi-Channel Bilayer Transducer for Sensing and Filtering Ossicular Vibration", Advanced Science, 11, art. no. 2308277, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Ulusan H., Yuksel M.B., Topcu O., Yigit H.A., Yilmaz A.M., Dogan M., Gulhan Yasar N., Kuyumcu I., Batu A., Goksu N., Ugur M.B., Kulah H., "A full-custom fully implantable cochlear implant system validated in vivo with an animal model", Communications Engineering, 3, art. no. 132, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Cartiglia M., Costa F., Narayanan S., Bui C.-V.H., Ulusan H., Risi N., Haessig G., Hierlemann A., Cardes F., Indiveri G., "A 4096 channel event-based multielectrode array with asynchronous outputs compatible with neuromorphic processors", Nature Communications, 15, art. no. 7163, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Lee J., Duperrex E., El-Battrawy I., Hohn A., Saguner A.M., Duru F., Emmenegger V., Cyganek L., Hierlemann A., Ulusan H., "CardioMEA: comprehensive data analysis platform for studying cardiac diseases and drug responses", Frontiers in Physiology, 15, art. no. 1472126, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Beyraghi N., Sahiner M.C., Oguz O., Yerci S., "Optimization of a Solution-Processed TiOx/(n)c-Si Electron-Selective Interface by Pre- and Postdeposition Treatments", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 16, pp. 16950-16961, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Javed A., Donmez D., Jones M.D.K., Qu Y., Gunbas G., Yerci S., "Kesterite Films Processed with Organic Solvents: Unveiling the Impact of Carbon-Rich Fine-Grain-Layer Formation on Solar-Cell Performance", Energy Technology, 12, art. no. 2400646, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Javed A., Jones M., Campbell S., Yerci S., Barrioz V., Qu Y., "In-Depth Compositional Analysis of the Carbon-Rich Fine-Grain Layer in Solution-Processed CZTSSe Films Accessed by a Photonic Lift-Off Process", Advanced Materials Interfaces, 11, art. no. 2300715, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Tsoi K., Yerci S., "Bayesian Optimization with Experience for Fast Development of Monolithic Tandem Solar Cells: Simulation Case Study", Advanced Theory and Simulations, 7, art. no. 2301013, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Acilan E., Gol M., "Novel Parameter Error Identification Method for Power Plant Dynamic Models", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 39, pp. 957-966, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Parlaktuna K., Dursun E., Gol M., "WLAV state estimation based topology error detection and identification in distribution networks with limited number of measurements", Electric Power Systems Research, 232, art. no. 110406, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Durmaz A., Ozdemir O., Ankarali M.M., "Feedback motion planning via sequential composition of random elliptical funnels", Ocean Engineering, 310, art. no. 118694, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Tanfener E., Karagoz O.K., Candan S.S., Turgut A.E., Yazicioglu Y., Ankarali M.M., Saranli U., "Design and verification of a parallel elastic robotic leg", Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 19, art. no. 026014, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Arslan A., Gultekin G.K., Saranli A., "IMU-aided adaptive mesh-grid based video motion deblurring", PeerJ Computer Science, 10, art. no. e2540, pp. 1-28, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Yazici A., Baykal B., "Detection and Localization of Drones in MIMO CW Radar", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 60, pp. 226-238, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Gumus S., Kamisli F., "A learned pixel-by-pixel lossless image compression method with 59K parameters and parallel decoding", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83, pp. 22975-22993, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Dalkilic A., Oktem F.S., Alatan L., "Enhanced Near-Field Microwave Imaging System with Polarization Diversity", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 23, pp. 1085-1089, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Manisali I., Oral O., Oktem F.S., "Efficient physics-based learned reconstruction methods for real-time 3D near-field MIMO radar imaging", Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 144, art. no. 104274, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Oral O., Oktem F.S., "Plug-and-Play Regularization on Magnitude With Deep Priors for 3D Near-Field MIMO Imaging", IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 10, pp. 762-773, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Ozen B., Tuncer T.E., "Transmit beampattern design for FDA-MIMO radar using complex manifold optimization", Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 154, art. no. 104700, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Canbolat A., Vural E., "Locally Stationary Graph Processes", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 72, pp. 2323-2332, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Pilavci Y.Y., Guneyi E.T., Cengiz C., Vural E., "Graph domain adaptation with localized graph signal representations", Pattern Recognition, 155, art. no. 110628, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Guneyi E.T., Yaldiz B., Canbolat A., Vural E., "Learning Graph ARMA Processes From Time-Vertex Spectra", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 72, pp. 47-56, 2024. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Data have been collected on Feb 21, 2025, using Scopus API.
  • Floating images visible upon a mouse float on the quartile rank icons are the most recent journal quartiles provided by www.scimagojr.com.


[Biomedical] Bear L.R., Bergquist J.A., Abell E., Cochet H., MacLeod R.S., Dubois R., Serinagaoglu Y., "Investigation into the importance of using natural PVCs and pathological models for potential-based ECGI validation", Frontiers in Physiology, 14, art. no. 1198002, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Cakir Z., Ceran E.T., "Unbiased federated learning in energy harvesting error-prone channels", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 31, pp. 612-625, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Ozkaya A., Topbas A., Ceran E.T., "Reinforcement Learning Based Adaptive Blocklength and MCS for Optimizing Age Violation Probability", IEEE Access, 11, pp. 122411-122425, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Hareedy A., Zheng S., Siegel P., Calderbank R., "Efficient Constrained Codes That Enable Page Separation in Modern Flash Memories", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 71, pp. 6834-6848, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Yang S., Hareedy A., Calderbank R., Dolecek L., "Breaking the Computational Bottleneck: Probabilistic Optimization of High-Memory Spatially-Coupled Codes", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 69, pp. 886-909, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Kazikli E., Saritas S., Gezici S., Yuksel S., "Quadratic Signaling With Prior Mismatch at an Encoder and Decoder: Equilibria, Continuity, and Robustness Properties", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68, pp. 705-720, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Kurt A., Guvensen G.M., "Robust Statistical Beamforming with Multi-Cluster Tracking for Time-Varying Massive MIMO", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Kurt A., Salman M.B., Sarac U.B., Guvensen G.M., "An Adaptive-Iterative Nonlinear Interference Cancellation in Time-Varying Full-Duplex Channels", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 72, pp. 1862-1878, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Ozen H., Guvensen G.M., "Interference and Beam Squint Aware TTD-aided Beamforming for Dual Wideband Massive MIMO", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Salman M.B., Guvensen G.M., Ciloglu T., "Low complexity nonlinear detection for multiuser hybrid MIMO systems and performance analysis", Physical Communication, 60, art. no. 102126, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Sarac U.B., Guvensen G.M., "On the Effects of Range-Doppler Processing for Target Detection in OFDM-Based RadCom", IEEE Communications Letters, 27, pp. 1864-1868, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Yilmaz G., Yilmaz A.O., "Pseudo-Random Quantization Based Two-Stage Detection in One-Bit Massive MIMO Systems", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Zhang Z., Yuksel M., Guvensen G.M., Yanikomeroglu H., "Capacity Region of Asynchronous Multiple Access Channels With FTN", IEEE Communications Letters, 27, pp. 1719-1723, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Zhang Z., Yuksel M., Yanikomeroglu H., "Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling for MIMO Communications", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 22, pp. 2379-2392, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Candan M.Y., Ankarali M.M., "Steady-state hybrid extended Kalman filter based sensorless voltage controller for a phase-shifted full-bridge converter", IET Power Electronics, 16, pp. 53-63, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Akpinar M., Schmidt K.W., "Predictable Timestamping for the Controller Area Network: Evaluation and Effect on Clock Synchronization Accuracy", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Atagoziev M., Guran Schmidt E., Schmidt K.W., "Lane change scheduling for connected and autonomous vehicles", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 147, art. no. 103985, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Baskin M., Leblebicioglu K., "Frequency-Domain Estimation of a Transfer Matrix of an Uncommon Quadrotor in Hover", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 31, pp. 555-569, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Cevher F.Y., Leblebicioglu M.K., "Cooperative Guidance Law for High-Speed and High-Maneuverability Air Targets", Aerospace, 10, art. no. 155, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Laz E., Orguner U., "Gaussian Mixture Filtering with Nonlinear Measurements Minimizing Forward Kullback-Leibler Divergence", Signal Processing, 208, art. no. 108992, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Saritas E., Orguner U., "Expectation Propagation with Context Adjustment for Smoothing of Jump Markov Linear Systems", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 59, pp. 7098-7114, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Tuna S.E., "Synchronization of oscillators not sharing a common ground", Automatica, 151, art. no. 110960, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Alemdar O.S., Oner M.U., Altun O., Keysan O., "Ripple Minimization in Asymmetric Interleaved DC-DC Converters Using Neural Networks", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Ayaz E., Altun O., Keysan O., "Carrier Phase Shift Method of SPWM for Concurrent Wired and Wireless Power Transfer Systems", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 70, pp. 8645-8654, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Ayaz E., Altun O., Keysan O., "Variable Carrier Phase-Shift Method for Integrated Contactless Field Excitation System of Electrically Excited Synchronous Motors", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 38, pp. 13243-13253, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Ayaz E., Altun O., Polat H., Keysan O., "Fault Tolerant Multi-Tx/Multi-Rx Inductive Power Transfer System With a Resonator Coil", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 11, pp. 1272-1284, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Barati F., Ahmadi B., Keysan O., "A Hierarchical Control of Supercapacitor and Microsources in Islanded DC Microgrids", IEEE Access, 11, pp. 7056-7066, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] El-Dalahmeh M., Al-Greer M., Bashir I., El-Dalahmeh M., Demirel A., Keysan O., "Autonomous fault detection and diagnosis for permanent magnet synchronous motors using combined variational mode decomposition, the Hilbert-Huang transform, and a convolutional neural network", Computers and Electrical Engineering, 110, art. no. 108894, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Oner M.U., Sahin I., Keysan O., "Neural Networks Detect Inter-Turn Short Circuit Faults Using Inverter Switching Statistics for a Closed-Loop Controlled Motor Drive", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 38, pp. 2387-2395, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Tokgoz F., Gulsuna O., Karakaya F., Cakal G., Keysan O., "Mechanical and Thermal Design of an Optimized PCB Motor for an Integrated Motor Drive System With GaNFETs", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 38, pp. 653-661, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Allahyari A., Bostanci E., Mahmoudi A., "High-Performance Vernier Machines with Halbach Array Permanent Magnets for Direct Drive Applications", Machines, 11, art. no. 525, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Gungen I., Bostanci E., "Optimum Placement of High Energy Inductors for Capacitive Pulsed Power Supplies of Electromagnetic Launchers", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 51, pp. 2717-2725, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Akkaya M.K., Yilmaz A.E., Kuzuoglu M., "Analytic and numeric perturbation techniques approach for the solution of electromagnetic wave problems Elektromanyetik dalga yayılım ve saçılım problemlerine analitik ve sayısal pertürbasyon teknikleri ile çözüm yaklaşımı", Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 39, pp. 299-314, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Kuzuoglu M., Beriot H., Mittra R., "Parametrization-free locally-conformal perfectly matched layer method for finite element solution of Helmholtz equation", Computer Physics Communications, 288, art. no. 108741, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Kuzuoglu M., Mittra R., "Self-Tuning Locally-Conformal PML Mesh Truncation for 3D Vector Finite Element Method", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Dalkilic A., Oktem F.S., Alatan L., "Enhanced Near-Field Microwave Imaging System with Polarization Diversity", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Eris O., Ergul O., "Design, simulation, and measurement of near-zero-index shells for electromagnetic beam generation", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Isiklar G., Yazar S., Ibili H., Onay G., El Ahdab Z., Ergul O., "Computational design of nanoantennas with improved power enhancement capabilities via shape optimization", Optical Engineering, 62, art. no. 015107, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Kalfa M., Ergul O., Erturk V.B., "Multiple-Precision Arithmetic Implementation of the Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Eser D., Demir S., Koc S., "A Compound ECCM Technique for FMCW Radars", IEEE Access, 11, pp. 62942-62954, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun A., Nesimoglu T., Demir S., "A Multi-Box Behavioural Nonlinear Mixer Model", International Journal of Electronics, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozturk M.A., Koc S.S., "Mutual impedance computation using spherical harmonics between two closely spaced antennas", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 168, art. no. 154711, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Zhou H., Zhang Y., Temiz M. , "High-Resolution Indoor Sensing Using Channel State Information of WiFi Networks", Electronics (Switzerland), 12, 3931, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Temiz M., Horne C., Peters N.J., Ritchie M.A., Masouros C., "An Experimental Study of Radar-Centric Transmission for Integrated Sensing and Communications", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 71, pp., 3203-3216, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Zhang Y., Xing H., Lv X., Temiz M., Fu Y., Shi Q., El-Makadema A., Zhang A., Gao J., "Calibration of Aperture Arrays in Time Domain Using the Simultaneous Perturbation Algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 50, pp., 1069-1081, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Wu Q., Zhang Y., Peng H., Temiz M., "Characterising nematic liquid crystals using a circular patch resonator", Liquid Crystals, 71, pp., 4167-4182, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Afshord A.Z., Uzuner B.E., Soltanpoor W., Sedani S.H., Aernouts T., Gunbas G., Kuang Y., Yerci S., "Efficient and Stable Inverted Wide-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules Enabled by Hybrid Evaporation-Solution Method", Advanced Functional Materials, 33, art. no. 2301695, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Gil-Escrig L., Susic I., Dogan I., Zardetto V., Najafi M., Zhang D., Veenstra S., Sedani S., Arikan B., Yerci S., Bolink H.J., Sessolo M., "Efficient and Thermally Stable Wide Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells by Dual-Source Vacuum Deposition", Advanced Functional Materials, 33, art. no. 2214357, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Gozukara Karabag Z., Karabag A., Gunes U., Gao X.-X., Syzgantseva O.A., Syzgantseva M.A., Varlioglu Yaylali F., Shibayama N., Kanda H., Rafieh A.I., Turnell-Ritson R.C., Dyson P.J., Yerci S., Nazeeruddin M.K., Gunbas G., "Tuning 2D Perovskite Passivation: Impact of Electronic and Steric Effects on the Performance of 3D/2D Perovskite Solar Cells", Advanced Energy Materials, 13, art. no. 2302038, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Gunes U., Yaylali F.V., Gozukara Karabag Z., Gao X.-X., Syzgantseva O.A., Karabag A., Yildirim G.B., Tsoi K., Shibayama N., Kanda H., Rafieh A.I., Zhong L., Zuttel A., Dyson P.J., Yerci S., Nazeeruddin M.K., Gunbas G., "Drastic influence of substituent position on orientation of 2D layers enables efficient and stable 3D/2D perovskite solar cells", Cell Reports Physical Science, 4, art. no. 101380, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Javed A., Jones M., Campbell S., Yerci S., Barrioz V., Qu Y., "In-Depth Compositional Analysis of the Carbon-Rich Fine-Grain Layer in Solution-Processed CZTSSe Films Accessed by a Photonic Lift-Off Process", Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Kocak D., Tsoi K., Turkay D., Koc M., Donercark E., Budunoglu H., Yerci S., "Silica aerogel as rear reflector in silicon heterojunction solar cells for improved infrared response", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 258, art. no. 112430, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Basay Y., Kocaman S., "Integrated programmable controlled phase gate design for quantum information processing", Physica Scripta, 98, art. no. 105109, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Cheng X., Chang K.-C., Xie Z., Sarihan M.C., Lee Y.S., Li Y., Xu X.A., Vinod A.K., Kocaman S., Yu M., Lo P.G.-Q., Kwong D.-L., Shapiro J.H., Wong F.N.C., Wong C.W., "A chip-scale polarization-spatial-momentum quantum SWAP gate in silicon nanophotonics", Nature Photonics, 17, pp. 656-665, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Besikci C., Balci S.V., Tanis O., Gungor O.O., Arpagus E.S., "Grating-free high-x InP/InxGa1-xAs mid-wavelength infrared QWIP focal plane array", Opto-Electronics Review, 31, art. no. e144563, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Onen S., Atik A.C., Gizer M., Kose S., Yaman O., Kulah H., Korkusuz P., "A pumpless monolayer microfluidic device based on mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium promotes neonatal mouse in vitro spermatogenesis", Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 14, art. no. 127, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Sen-Dogan B., Demir M.A., Sahin B., Yildirim E., Karayalcin G., Sahin S., Mutlu E., Toral T.B., Ozgur E., Zorlu O., Kulah H., "Analytical Validation of a Spiral Microfluidic Chip with Hydrofoil-Shaped Pillars for the Enrichment of Circulating Tumor Cells", Biosensors, 13, art. no. 938, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Sen-Dogan B., Yildirim E., Sahin S., Ozgur E., Zorlu O., Kulah H., "Design of a microfluidic device for immunoaffinity-based isolation of circulating tumor cells with minimal clogging", Sensors and Actuators Reports, 6, art. no. 100169, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Torul H., Arslan Z.C., Tezcan T., Kayis E.C., Calimci M., Gumustas A., Yildirim E., Kulah H., Tamer U., "Microfluidic-based blood immunoassays", Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 228, art. no. 115313, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Arpali O.Y., Yilmaz U.C., Guldur Erkal B., Aydin Gol E., Gol M., "MDP based real time restoration for earthquake damaged active distribution systems", Electric Power Systems Research, 218, art. no. 109230, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Erden F., Acilan E., Ustundag O., Bozkurt E., Gol M., "PMU-Based Dynamic Model Calibration of Type 4 Wind Turbine Generators", Electronics (Switzerland), 12, art. no. 2004, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Atasoy S., Karagoz O.K., Ankarali M.M., "Trajectory-Free Motion Planning of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle Based on MPC and Sparse Neighborhood Graph", IEEE Access, 11, pp. 47690-47700, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Er G.D., Ankarali M.M., "Stochastic stability analysis of legged locomotion using unscented transformation", Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 18, art. no. 066006, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Gul O.M., Erkmen A.M., "Energy-Aware UAV-Driven Data Collection With Priority in Robotic Wireless Sensor Network", IEEE Sensors Journal, 23, pp. 17667-17675, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Candan C., Pascal F., "Covariance Matrix Estimation of Texture Correlated Compound-Gaussian Vectors for Adaptive Radar Detection", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 59, pp. 3009-3020, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Celik O.O., Engin Tuncer T., "MIMO radar beampattern design by using Phased-Costas waveforms with PAR constraints employing a generalized ambiguity function", Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 135, art. no. 103948, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Gumus S., Kamisli F., "A learned pixel-by-pixel lossless image compression method with 59K parameters and parallel decoding", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Kamisli F., "Learned Lossless Image Compression Through Interpolation With Low Complexity", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 33, pp. 7832-7841, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Sahin U.B., Kamisli F., "Image compression with learned lifting-based DWT and learned tree-based entropy models", Multimedia Systems, 29, pp. 3369-3384, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Kocdemir I.H., Koz A., Akyuz A.O., Chalmers A., Alatan A., Kalkan S., "TMO-Det: Deep tone-mapping optimized with and for object detection", Pattern Recognition Letters, 172, pp. 230-236, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Kutuk M., Geneci I., Bilge Ozdemir O., Koz A., Esenturk O., Yardimci Cetin Y., Alatan A.A., "Ground-Based Hyperspectral Image Surveillance System for Explosive Detection: Methods, Experiments, and Comparisons", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16, pp. 8747-8763, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Mehmetcik E., Orguner U., Candan C., "An Approximate MSE Expression for Maximum Likelihood and Other Implicitly Defined Estimators of Non-Random Parameters", Signal Processing, 204, art. no. 108838, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Yazici A., Baykal B., "Detection and Localization of Drones in MIMO CW Radar", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Data have been collected on Jan 23, 2024, using Scopus API.
  • Floating images visible upon a mouse float on the quartile rank icons are the most recent journal quartiles provided by www.scimagojr.com.


[Biomedical] Onak O., Erenler T., Serinagaoglu Y., "A Novel Data-Adaptive Regression Framework Based on Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines for Electrocardiographic Imaging", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 69, pp. 963-974, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Ahmetoglu M., Yavascan O.T., Uysal E., "MiSTA: An Age-Optimized Slotted ALOHA Protocol", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9, pp. 15484-15496, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Bayraktar M., Guvensen G.M., "Adaptation of Code-Domain NOMA to SC-FDE Based Overloaded mmWave Hybrid Massive MIMO", IEEE Communications Letters, 26, pp. 667-671, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Hareedy A., Dabak B., Calderbank R., "The Secret Arithmetic of Patterns: A General Method for Designing Constrained Codes Based on Lexicographic Indexing", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68, pp. 5747-5778, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Kadan F.E., Yilmaz A.O., "A Theoretical Performance Bound for Joint Beamformer Design of Wireless Fronthaul and Access Links in Downlink C-RAN", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 21, pp. 2177-2192, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Kazikli E., Saritas S., Gezici S., Linder T., Yuksel S., "Signaling Games for Log-Concave Distributions: Number of Bins and Properties of Equilibria", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68, pp. 1731-1757, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Oguz T.K., Ceran E.T., Uysal E., Girici T., "Implementation and Evaluation of Age-Aware Downlink Scheduling Policies in Push-Based and Pull-Based Communication", Entropy, 24, art. no. 673, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Uysal E., Kaya O., Ephremides A., Gross J., Codreanu M., Popovski P., Assaad M., Liva G., Munari A., Soret B., Soleymani T., Johansson K.H., "Semantic Communications in Networked Systems: A Data Significance Perspective", IEEE Network, 36, pp. 233-240, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Yang S., Hareedy A., Calderbank R., Dolecek L., "Hierarchical Coding for Cloud Storage: Topology-Adaptivity, Scalability, and Flexibility", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68, pp. 3657-3680, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Computer] Akpnar M., Schmidt E.G., Schmidt K.W., "Highly Accurate Clock Synchronization with Drift Correction for the Controller Area Network", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 33, pp. 4071-4082, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Computer] Algan G., Ulusoy I., "MetaLabelNet: Learning to Generate Soft-Labels From Noisy-Labels", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 31, pp. 4352-4362, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Computer] Geduk S., Ulusoy I., "A practical analysis of sample complexity for structure learning of discrete dynamic Bayesian networks", Optimization, 71, pp. 2935-2962, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Computer] Tepe N., Boran H.E., Geduk S., Dilekoz E., Ulusoy I., Bolay H., "Interrupted processing of paired somatosensory stimuli in short interstimulus intervals: role of thalamo-cortical oscillations", Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 52, art. no. 59, pp. 1371-1377, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Baskin M., Leblebicioglu K., "Determining allowable parametric uncertainty in an uncommon quadrotor model for closed loop stability", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 30, pp. 695-712, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Ozdogan G., Leblebicioglu K., "Design, Modeling, and Control Allocation of a Heavy-Lift Aerial Vehicle Consisting of Large Fixed Rotors and Small Tiltrotors", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 27, pp. 4011-4021, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Tuna S.E., "Structural Analysis of Synchronization in Networks of Linear Oscillators", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67, pp. 3537-3544, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Tuncer B., Orguner U., Ozkan E., "Multi-Ellipsoidal Extended Target Tracking With Variational Bayes Inference", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 70, pp. 3921-3934, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Unsal Ozturk D., Erkmen A.M., "Coriolis Vibratory MEMS Gyro Drive Axis Control with Proxy-Based Sliding Mode Controller", Micromachines, 13, art. no. 446, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Polat H., Ayaz E., Altun O., Keysan O., "Balancing of Common DC-Bus Parallel-Connected Modular Inductive Power Transfer Systems", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 10, pp. 1587-1596, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Tosun N., Civil A., Oruc A.Y., Yildirim B., Ozceylan B.M., Bolat B., Yurdakul E.B., Tan E., Yurdakonar F., Akdemir H., Gungen I., Onur I., Karagoz M., Cavbozar O., Demirkol R.H., Gocmen U., Keysan O., "Sensitivity Analysis for the Inductance Gradient of EMFY-3 Electromagnetic Launcher", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50, pp. 381-386, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Tosun N., Karagoz M., Yurdakonar F., Gulletutan G., Yildirim B., Keysan O., "Muzzle Voltage Experiments of the EMFY-3 Launcher", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50, pp. 3434-3442, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Yuruk H., Keysan O., "Parallel connected GaN E-HEMT VSI-based servo drives for PMSMs", IET Electric Power Applications, 16, pp. 86-99, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Akkaya M.K., Yilmaz A.E., Kuzuoglu M., "Perturbation-Asymptotic Series Approach for an Electromagnetic Wave Problem in an Epsilon Near Zero (ENZ) Material", Advanced Electromagnetics, 11, pp. 30-40, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Arican G.O., Sen O., Turhan-Sayan G., "A novel miniaturized X-band coplanar waveguide branch-line coupler using T- and π-type equivalent transmission lines", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 32, art. no. e23160, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Asirim O.E., Kuzuoglu M., "Nanoscale active tuning of the second harmonic generation efficiency in semiconductors from super-low to gigantic values", New Journal of Physics, 24, art. no. 083046, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Asirim O.E., Kuzuoglu M., "Nanoscale optical parametric amplification through super-nonlinearity induction", Applied Nanoscience (Switzerland), 12, pp. 2429-2441, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Celik F.T., Alatan L., Aydin Civi O., "A compact pattern reconfigurable antenna employing shorted quarterwave patch antennas", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 30, pp. 2179-2189, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Durgun A.C., Aygun K., "Low Loss Skip Layer Transmission Lines With Common Mode Filtering for Packages", IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 12, pp. 839-846, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Eris O., Karaova G., Ergul O., "A Novel Combined Potential-Field Formulation for Densely Discretized Perfectly Conducting Objects", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 70, pp. 4645-4654, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ibili H., Koyaz Y., Ozmu U., Karaosmanoglu B., Ergul O., "A novel surface-integral-equation formulation for efficient and accurate electromagnetic analysis of near-zero-index structures", Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 24, art. no. 035601, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karaova G.C., Ergul O., "Design, Fabrication, and Measurement of Efficient Beam-Shaping Reflectors for 5G Applications", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 70, pp. 11335-11343, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Kuzuoglu M., "Physics-based modeling of sea clutter phenomenon by a full-wave numerical solver", Wave Motion, 109, art. no. 102872, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Mittra R., Kuzuoglu M., "An Efficient Numerical Approach for Evaluating Sommerfeld Integrals Arising in the Construction of Green's Functions for Layered Media", IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, 7, pp. 328-335, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Yazar S., Ergul O., "Design and optimization of nanooptical couplers based on photonic crystals involving dielectric rods of varying lengths", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 30, pp. 2339-2354, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Yurchenko V., Ciydem M., Koc S., "Finite-Aperture Microwave Bessel Beams with Vortex Twisting, Fracturing, and Dynamic Phase-Shift Control", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 124, pp. 53-68, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Atik B., Dirican E., Demirors O., Altan H., Esenturk O., Yildirim M., Akin T., "Tuning structural, electrical, and THz optical properties of VxOy films with W-doping", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 903, art. no. 163922, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Besikci C., Balci S.V., "Diffraction-Grating-Free Very Small-Pitch High-x InP/InxGa1-xas Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 43, pp. 1287-1290, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Caglayan Arslan Z., Demircan Yalcin Y., Kulah H., "Label-free enrichment of MCF7 breast cancer cells from leukocytes using continuous flow dielectrophoresis", Electrophoresis, 43, pp. 1531-1544, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Circir K., Kocaman S., "Electrical crosstalk suppression for mesa-based in-device passivated InGaAs photodetectors", Infrared Physics and Technology, 127, art. no. 104355, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Koyuncuoglu A., Isik Akcakaya D., Sardan Sukas O., Kulah H., "Wet etching of platinum (Pt) electrodes for piezoelectric transducers using a thick photoresist mask", Micro and Nano Engineering, 16, art. no. 100153, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Sahin A., Gul M.S., Uzgur F., Kocaman S., "Dual-band InGaAs nBn photodetectors at 2 μ m", Applied Physics Letters, 120, art. no. 091104, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Schuster C.S., Koc M., Yerci S., "Analytic modelling of multi-junction solar cells via multi-diodes", Renewable Energy, 184, pp. 1033-1042, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Tevlek A., Kecili S., Ozcelik O.S., Kulah H., Tekin H.C., "Spheroid Engineering in Microfluidic Devices", ACS Omega, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Unlu B., Ghasemi M., Yerci S., Boztug C., "Simultaneous Crystallization and Strain Induction Enable Light-Emitting Germanium Nano/Microbridges for Infrared Lasers", ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5, pp. 4700-4709, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Xu H., Torres Merino L., Koc M., Aydin E., Zhumagali S., Haque M.A., Yazmaciyan A., Sharma A., Rosas Villalva D., Huerta Hernandez L., De Bastiani M., Babics M., Isikgor F.H., Troughton J., De Wolf S., Yerci S., Baran D., "Metal-Free Interconnecting Layer for Monolithic Perovskite/Organic Tandem Solar Cells with Enhanced Outdoor Stability", ACS Applied Energy Materials, 5, pp. 14035-14044, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Yuksel M.B., Koyuncuoglu A., Kulah H., "Thin-Film PZT-Based Multi-Channel Acoustic MEMS Transducer for Cochlear Implant Applications", IEEE Sensors Journal, 22, pp. 3052-3060, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Acilan E., Gol M., "Identifiability Analysis for Power Plant Parameter Calibration in the Presence of Collinear Parameters", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 37, pp. 2988-2997, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Eser F., Yilmaz U.C., Dursun E., Cinalioglu M.C., Gol M., "A Computationally Efficient Topology Identifiability Analysis of Distribution Systems", Electric Power Systems Research, 208, art. no. 107911, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Guzel I., Gol M., "Plug-in electric vehicle load modeling for charging scheduling strategies in microgrids", Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 32, art. no. 100819, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Javandel V., Vakilian M., Firuzi K., "Multiple partial discharge sources separation using a method based on laplacian score and correlation coefficient techniques", Electric Power Systems Research, 210, art. no. 108070, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Gul O.M., Erkmen A.M., Kantarci B., "UAV-Driven Sustainable and Quality-Aware Data Collection in Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Karagoz O.K., Secer G., Ankarali M.M., Saranli U., "Analysis and control of a running spring-mass model with a trunk based on virtual pendulum concept", Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 17, art. no. 046009, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Candan C., Pascal F., "Covariance Matrix Estimation of Texture Correlated Compound-Gaussian Vectors for Adaptive Radar Detection", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Gursel Dino I., Kalfaoglu E., Iseri O.K., Erdogan B., Kalkan S., Alatan A.A., "Vision-based estimation of the number of occupants using video cameras", Advanced Engineering Informatics, 53, art. no. 101662, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Ke J., Alieva T., Oktem F.S., Silveira P.E.X., Wetzstein G., Willomitzer F., "Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging 2021: introduction to the feature issue", Applied Optics, 61, pp. COSI1-COSI4, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Ke J., Alieva T., Oktem F.S., Silveira P.E.X., Wetzstein G., Willomitzer F., "Computational optical sensing and imaging 2021: feature issue introduction", Optics Express, 30, pp. 11394-11399, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Nurbas E., Onat E., Tuncer T.E., "Collaborative Direction of Arrival estimation by using Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers in distributed sensor array networks employing Sparse Bayesian Learning framework", Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 130, art. no. 103739, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Pilanci M., Vural E., "Domain Adaptation on Graphs by Learning Aligned Graph Bases", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34, pp. 587-600, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Data have been collected on May 4, 2023, using Scopus API.
  • Floating images visible upon a mouse float on the quartile rank icons are the most recent journal quartiles provided by www.scimagojr.com.


[Biomedical] Irgin U., Top C.B., Gencer N.G., "The Effect of Contrasts in Electrical and Mechanical Properties between Breast Tissues on Harmonic Motion Microwave Doppler Imaging Signal", IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, 5, pp. 362-370, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Biomedical] Sadighi M., Sisman M., Acikgoz B.C., Eroglu H.H., Eyuboglu B.M., "Low-frequency conductivity tensor imaging with a single current injection using DT-MREIT", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66, art. no. 055011, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Biomedical] Sadighi M., Sisman M., Eyuboglu B.M., "SNR and total acquisition time analysis of multi-echo FLASH pulse sequence for current density imaging", Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 333, art. no. 107098, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Balevi E., Andrews J.G., "Unfolded Hybrid Beamforming with GAN Compressed Ultra-Low Feedback Overhead", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 20, pp. 8381-8392, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Balevi E., Andrews J.G., "Wideband Channel Estimation with a Generative Adversarial Network", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 20, art. no. 9316250, pp. 3049-3060, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Balevi E., Doshi A., Jalal A., Dimakis A., Andrews J.G., "High Dimensional Channel Estimation Using Deep Generative Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 39, art. no. 9252921, pp. 18-30, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Bayraktar M., Guvensen G.M., "An Efficient Interference-Aware Constrained Massive MIMO Beamforming for mm-Wave JSDM", IEEE Access, 9, art. no. 9456917, pp. 87877-87897, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Centers J., Tan X., Hareedy A., Calderbank R., "Power Spectra of Constrained Codes with Level-Based Signaling: Overcoming Finite-Length Challenges", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 69, art. no. 9404226, pp. 4971-4986, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Ceran E.T., Gunduz D., Gyorgy A., "A reinforcement learning approach to age of information in multi-user networks with HARQ", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 39, art. no. 9376717, pp. 1412-1426, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Hareedy A., Dabak B., Calderbank R., "Managing Device Lifecycle: Reconfigurable Constrained Codes for M/T/Q/P-LC Flash Memories", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 67, art. no. 9233406, pp. 282-295, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Kadan F.E., Yilmaz A.O., "A Bound Based Method for Beamformer Design in Downlink Cloud Radio Access Networks", IEEE Communications Letters, 25, pp. 3350-3354, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Kadan F.E., Yilmaz A.O., "Beamformer Design with Smooth Constraint-Free Approximation in Downlink Cloud Radio Access Networks", IEEE Access, 9, art. no. 9367142, pp. 36399-36416, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Salman M.B., Guvensen G.M., "An Efficient QAM Detector via Nonlinear Post-Distortion Based on FDE Bank under PA Impairments", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 69, pp. 7108-7120, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Ucuncu A.B., Guvensen G.M., Yilmaz A.O., "A Reduced Complexity Ungerboeck Receiver for Quantized Wideband Massive SC-MIMO", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 69, art. no. 9398680, pp. 4921-4936, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Yalcin A.Z., Cetin M.K., Yuksel M., "Max-Min Fair Precoder Design and Power Allocation for MU-MIMO NOMA", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 70, art. no. 9423671, pp. 6217-6221, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Yavascan O.T., Uysal E., "Analysis of Slotted ALOHA with an Age Threshold", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 39, art. no. 9377549, pp. 1456-1470, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Computer] Algan G., Ulusoy I., "Image classification with deep learning in the presence of noisy labels: A survey", Knowledge-Based Systems, 215, art. no. 106771, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Acar D., Orguner U., "Decorrelation of Previously Communicated Information for an Interacting Multiple Model Filter", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 57, art. no. 9172046, pp. 404-422, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Baskin M., Leblebicioglu K., "Combined system identification and robust control of a gimbal platform", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 29, pp. 2247-2262, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Ergezer H., Leblebicioglu K., "Online path planning for unmanned aerial vehicles to maximize instantaneous information", International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 18, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Kumru M., Koksal H., Ozkan E., "Variational Measurement Update for Extended Object Tracking Using Gaussian Processes", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 28, art. no. 9357970, pp. 538-542, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Kumru M., Ozkan E., "Three-Dimensional Extended Object Tracking and Shape Learning Using Gaussian Processes", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 57, pp. 2795-2814, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Tuna S.E., "Harmonic synchronization under all three types of coupling: Position, velocity, and acceleration", Automatica, 130, art. no. 109727, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Tuncer B., Ozkan E., "Random matrix based extended target tracking with orientation: A new model and inference", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 69, art. no. 9374715, pp. 1910-1923, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Cakal G., Keysan O., "Axial flux generator with novel flat wire for direct-drive wind turbines", IET Renewable Power Generation, 15, pp. 139-152, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Cakal G., Keysan O., "Flat winding made of aluminum or copper sheet for axial flux machines", IET Electric Power Applications, 15, pp. 429-440, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Gurusamy V., Bostanci E., Li C., Qi Y., Akin B., "A Stray Magnetic Flux-Based Robust Diagnosis Method for Detection and Location of Interturn Short Circuit Fault in PMSM", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, art. no. 9153063, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Karakaya F., Alemdar O.S., Keysan O., "Layout-based ultrafast short-circuit protection technique for parallel-connected GaN HEMTs", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 9, pp. 6385-6395, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Karakaya F., Gulsuna O., Keysan O., "Feasibility of quasi-square-wave zero-voltage-switching bi-directional dc/dc converters with gan hemts", Energies, 14, art. no. 2867, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Lan Y., Benomar Y., Deepak K., Aksoz A., Baghdadi M.E., Bostanci E., Hegazy O., "Switched reluctance motors and drive systems for electric vehicle powertrains: State of the art analysis and future trends", Energies, 14, art. no. 2079, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Ozcan M., Keysan O., Satir B., "Optimum bidding strategy for wind and solar power plants in day-ahead electricity market", Energy Systems, 12, pp. 955-987, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Sahin I., Keysan O., "Model Predictive Controller Utilized as an Observer for Inter-Turn Short Circuit Detection in Induction Motors", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 36, art. no. 9310277, pp. 1449-1458, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Tosun N., Ceylan D., Polat H., Keysan O., "A Comparison of Velocity Skin Effect Modeling with 2-D Transient and 3-D Quasi-Transient Finite Element Methods", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 49, art. no. 9387772, pp. 1500-1507, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Yuruk H., Keysan O., Ulutas B., "Comparison of the Effects of Nonlinearities for Si MOSFET and GaN E-HEMT Based VSIs", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68, art. no. 9102428, pp. 5606-5615, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Alabed S., Mahariq I., Salman M., Kuzuoglu M., "A novel beamforming emulating photonic nanojets for wireless relay networks", Computers, Materials and Continua, 69, pp. 575-588, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Altinoklu A., Ergul O., "Design, optimization, and analyses of nano-optical couplers consisting of nanocubes to construct efficient nanowire transmission systems", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 113, pp. 13-27, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Kalfa M., Erturk V.B., Ergul O., "Error analysis of mlfma with closed-form expressions", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 69, pp. 6618-6623, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karaosmanoglu B., Ergul O., "Acceleration of MLFMA Simulations Using Trimmed Tree Structures", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 69, art. no. 9142311, pp. 356-365, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Khalichi B., Ergul O., Takrimi M., Erturk V.B., "Broadband Analysis of Multiscale Electromagnetic Problems: Novel Incomplete-Leaf MLFMA for Potential Integral Equations", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 69, pp. 9032-9037, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Miran E.A., Oktem F.S., Koc S., "Sparse Reconstruction for Near-Field MIMO Radar Imaging Using Fast Multipole Method", IEEE Access, 9, pp. 151578-151589, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Mohammadi P., Mohammadi A., Demir S., Kara A., "Compact Size, and Highly Sensitive, Microwave Sensor for Non-Invasive Measurement of Blood Glucose Level", IEEE Sensors Journal, 21, art. no. 9416454, pp. 16033-16042, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Mohammadi P., Teimouri H., Mohammadi A., Demir S., Kara A., "Dual Band, Miniaturized Permittivity Measurement Sensor with Negative-Order SIW Resonator", IEEE Sensors Journal, 21, pp. 22695-22702, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Yurchenko V., Ciydem M., Gradziel M., Koc S., "Multilayer grid polarizers: Simulations for millimeter waves", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 114, pp. 69-82, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Akel K., Hostut M., Akin T., Ergun Y., "Interband optical absorption obtained by pseudopotential method for type-II InAs/GaSb SL photodetectors", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54, art. no. 195103, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Besikci C., "Nature Allows High Sensitivity Thermal Imaging with Type-I Quantum Wells without Optical Couplers: A Grating-Free Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector with High Conversion Efficiency", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 57, art. no. 9328211, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Bozkurt A.B., Kocaman S., "Linear optical deterministic and reconfigurable SWAP gate", Quantum Information Processing, 20, art. no. 299, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Chamanian S., Ciftci B., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "A Self-Powered and Area Efficient SSHI Rectifier for Piezoelectric Harvesters", IEEE Access, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Ciftci B., Chamanian S., Koyuncuoglu A., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "A Low-Profile Autonomous Interface Circuit for Piezoelectric Micro-Power Generators", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 68, art. no. 9343283, pp. 1458-1471, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Demircan Yalcin Y., Toral T.B., Sukas S., Yildirim E., Zorlu O., Gunduz U., Kulah H., "A microfluidic device enabling drug resistance analysis of leukemia cells via coupled dielectrophoretic detection and impedimetric counting", Scientific Reports, 11, art. no. 13193, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Engur Y., Yigit H.A., Kulah H., "13.56 MHz Triple Mode Rectifier Circuit with Extended Coupling Range for Wirelessly Powered Implantable Medical Devices", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 15, art. no. 9309061, pp. 68-79, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Gunes U., Bag Celik E., Akgul C.C., Koc M., Ameri M., Uzuner B.E., Ghasemi M., Sahiner M.C., Yildiz I., Kaya H.Z., Yerci S., Gunbas G., "A Thienothiophene-Based Cation Treatment Allows Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells with Improved Efficiency and Stability", Advanced Functional Materials, 31, art. no. 2103130, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Kilic S.C., Kocaman S., "Highly Sensitive and Tunable Fano-Like Rod-Type Silicon Photonic Crystal Refractive Index Sensor", IEEE Sensors Journal, 21, art. no. 9316751, pp. 7551-7557, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Koc M., Ameri M., Yerci S., "Optical design of TCO-free interconnecting layer for all-perovskite tandem solar cells", Applied Physics Letters, 119, art. no. 021102, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Temel O., Kalay Y.E., Akin T., "Wafer-Level Lowerature Solid-Liquid Inter-Diffusion Bonding with Thin Au-Sn Layers for MEMS Encapsulation", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 30, art. no. 9284483, pp. 64-71, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Torunbalci M.M., Gavcar H.D., Yesil F., Alper S.E., Akin T., "An All-Silicon Process Platform for Wafer-Level Vacuum Packaged MEMS Devices", IEEE Sensors Journal, 21, art. no. 9406983, pp. 13958-13964, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Turkay D., Tsoi K., Donercark E., Turan R., Yerci S., "Spreading Resistance Modeling for Contact Resistivity Extraction in Ohmic Multilayer Structures with Circular Electrodes", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 68, pp. 6344-6351, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Turkay D., Tsoi K., Donercark E., Turan R., Yerci S., "Spreading resistance modeling for rapid extraction of contact resistivity with a four-point probe", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 230, art. no. 111272, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Yigit H.A., Ulusan H., Koc M., Yuksel M.B., Chamanian S., Kulah H., "Single Supply PWM Fully Implantable Cochlear Implant Interface Circuit with Active Charge Balancing", IEEE Access, 9, art. no. 9391683, pp. 52642-52653, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Pouraltafi-kheljan S., Ugur M., Bozulu E., Caliskan B.C., Keysan O., Gol M., "Centralized microgrid control system in compliance with ieee 2030.7 standard based on an advanced field unit", Energies, 14, art. no. 7381, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Yildiz T., Acilan E., Gol M., "A partitioning strategy for improved state estimation performance in ill-conditioned power systems with hybrid measurement set", Electric Power Systems Research, 201, art. no. 107515, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Arpacik O., Ankarali M.M., "An Efficient Implementation of Online Model Predictive Control with Field Weakening Operation in Surface Mounted PMSM", IEEE Access, 9, pp. 167605-167614, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Hasturk O., Erkmen A.M., "DUDMap: 3D RGB-D mapping for dense, unstructured, and dynamic environment", International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 18, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Mert ANKARALI M., "Obround trees: Sparsity enhanced feedback motion planning of differential drive robotic systems", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 29, pp. 1539-1553, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Ugurlu H.I., Kalkan S., Saranli A., "Reinforcement Learning versus Conventional Control for Controlling a Planar Bi-rotor Platform with Tail Appendage", Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 102, art. no. 77, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Bilgi Akdemir S., Candan C., "Maximum-likelihood direction of arrival estimation under intermittent jamming", Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 113, art. no. 103028, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Candan C., "Proper Definition and Handling of Dirac Delta Functions [Lecture Notes]", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 38, art. no. 9418536, pp. 186-203, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Candan C., Celebi U., "Frequency estimation of a single real-valued sinusoid: An invariant function approach", Signal Processing, 185, art. no. 108098, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Cayir O., Candan C., "Maximum likelihood autoregressive model parameter estimation with noise corrupted independent snapshots", Signal Processing, 186, art. no. 108118, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Dursun A.A., Tuncer T.E., "Estimation of partially occluded 2D human joints with a Bayesian approach", Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 114, art. no. 103056, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Kaya S., Vural E., "Learning Multi-Modal Nonlinear Embeddings: Performance Bounds and an Algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 30, art. no. 9403995, pp. 4384-4394, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Oktem F.S., Kar O.F., Bezek C.D., Kamalabadi F., "High-Resolution Multi-Spectral Imaging with Diffractive Lenses and Learned Reconstruction", IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 7, art. no. 9415140, pp. 489-504, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Olmez B., Tuncer T.E., "Metric scale and angle estimation in monocular visual odometry with multiple distance sensors", Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 117, art. no. 103148, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Data have been collected on October 3, 2022, using Scopus API.
  • Floating images visible upon a mouse float on the quartile rank icons are the most recent journal quartiles provided by www.scimagojr.com.


[Biomedical] Gharbalchi No F., Serinagaoglu Dogrusoz Y., Onak O.N., Weber G.-W., "Reduced leadset selection and performance evaluation in the inverse problem of electrocardiography for reconstructing the ventricularly paced electrograms", Journal of Electrocardiology, 60, pp. 44-53, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Nakiboglu B., "A simple derivation of the refined sphere packing bound under certain symmetry hypotheses", Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 44, pp. 919-948, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Nakiboglu B., "The Sphere Packing Bound for Memoryless Channels", Problems of Information Transmission, 56, pp. 201-244, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Sun Y., Polyanskiy Y., Uysal E., "Sampling of the Wiener Process for Remote Estimation over a Channel with Random Delay", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 66, art. no. 8812616, pp. 1118-1135, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Ucuncu A.B., Bjornson E., Johansson H., Yilmaz A.O., Larsson E.G., "Performance Analysis of Quantized Uplink Massive MIMO-OFDM with Oversampling under Adjacent Channel Interference", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 68, art. no. 8907816, pp. 871-886, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Computer] Donmez-Demir B., Erdener S.E., Karatas H., Kaya Z., Ulusoy I., Dalkara T., "KCl-induced cortical spreading depression waves more heterogeneously propagate than optogenetically-induced waves in lissencephalic brain: an analysis with optical flow tools", Scientific Reports, 10, art. no. 12793, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Al-Dahhan M.R.H., Schmidt K.W., "Voronoi Boundary Visibility for Efficient Path Planning", IEEE Access, 8, art. no. 9145546, pp. 134764-134781, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Altintasi C., Orguner U., Salor O., "Performance limits for the amplitude estimation of power system harmonics & interharmonics", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 14, pp. 4108-4121, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Avcioglu S., Kutay A.T., Leblebicioglu K., "Identification of physical helicopter models using subspace identification", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 65, art. no. 022001, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Nooruldeen A., Schmidt K.W., "Order-Preserving Languages for the Supervisory Control of Automated Manufacturing Systems", IEEE Access, 8, art. no. 9143118, pp. 131901-131919, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Schmidt K.W., Hazir O., "A Data Envelopment Analysis Method for Finding Robust and Cost-Efficient Schedules in Multimode Projects", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 67, art. no. 8611174, pp. 414-429, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Tuna S.E., "Synchronization of linear oscillators coupled through a dynamic network with interior nodes", Automatica, 117, art. no. 109008, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Control Theory] Uyanik I., Sefati S., Stamper S.A., Cho K.-A., Ankarali M.M., Fortune E.S., Cowan N.J., "Variability in locomotor dynamics reveals the critical role of feedback in task control", eLife, 9, art. no. e51219, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Ozkan Z., Hava A.M., "Inductor Saturation Compensation with Resistive Decoupling for Single-Phase Controlled VSC Systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35, art. no. 8720016, pp. 1993-2007, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Polat H., Tosun N., Ceylan D., Keysan O., "Optimization of a Convex Rail Design for Electromagnetic Launchers", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 48, art. no. 9104009, pp. 2266-2273, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Temiz H., Keysan O., Demirok E., "Adaptive controller based on grid impedance estimation for stable operation of grid-connected inverters under weak grid conditions", IET Power Electronics, 13, pp. 2692-2705, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Tokgoz F., Cakal G., Keysan O., "Comparison of pcb winding topologies for axial-flux permanent magnet synchronous machines", IET Electric Power Applications, 14, pp. 2577-2586, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Tosun N., Polat H., Ceylan D., Karagoz M., Yildirim B., Gungen I., Keysan O., "A Hybrid Simulation Model for Electromagnetic Launchers including the Transient Inductance and Electromotive Force", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 48, art. no. 9179020, pp. 3220-3228, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Adanr S., Alatan L., "Singularity Cancellation for Accurate MoM Analysis of Periodic Planar Structures in Layered Media", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 19, art. no. 9099907, pp. 1301-1305, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Asirim O.E., Kuzuoglu M., "Enhancement of optical parametric amplification in microresonators via gain medium parameter selection and mean cavity wall reflectivity adjustment", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 53, art. no. 185401, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Asirim O.E., Kuzuoglu M., "Numerical study of resonant optical parametric amplification via gain factor optimization in dispersive microresonators", Photonics, 7, art. no. 5, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Asirim O.E., Kuzuoglu M., "Super-gain optical parametric amplification in dielectric micro-resonators via BFGS algorithm-based non-linear programming", Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10, art. no. 1770, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Asirim O.E., Yolalmaz A., Kuzuoglu M., "High-fidelity harmonic generation in optical micro-resonators using BFGS algorithm", Micromachines, 11, art. no. 686, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Eris O., Ibili H., Ergul O., "Low-cost inkjet-printed multiband frequency-selective structures consisting of u-shaped resonators", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 98, pp. 31-44, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karacan N., Ekmekci E., Turhan-Sayan G., "Response to "comment on 'Sliding planar conjoined cut-wire-pairs: A novel approach for splitting and controlling the absorption spectra'" [J. Appl. Phys. 128, 126101 (2020)]", Journal of Applied Physics, 128, art. no. 126102, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozbay I., Ghobadi A., Butun B., Turhan-Sayan G., "Bismuth plasmonics for extraordinary light absorption in deep sub-wavelength geometries", Optics Letters, 45, pp. 686-689, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Mittra R., Kuzuoglu M., "A novel CEM technique for modeling electromagnetic scattering from metasurfaces", International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 33, art. no. e2681, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Mittra R., Kuzuoglu M., "Multiscale Modeling of Thin-Wire Coupling Problems Using Hybridization of Finite Element and Dipole Moment Methods and GPU Acceleration", IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, 5, art. no. 9153136, pp. 155-166, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Sahin V., Erguden M.E., Apaydin G., Yilmaz A.E., Kuzuoglu M., Sevgi L., "PETOOL v2.0: Parabolic Equation Toolbox with evaporation duct models and real environment data", Computer Physics Communications, 256, art. no. 107454, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Torun H.M., Durgun A.C., Aygun K., Swaminathan M., "Causal and passive parameterization of s-parameters using neural networks", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 68, art. no. 9165948, pp. 4290-4304, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Yesilyurt O., Turhan-Sayan G., "Metasurface Lens for Ultra-Wideband Planar Antenna", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 68, art. no. 8839696, pp. 719-726, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Ansari M.A., Kim I., Rukhlenko I.D., Zubair M., Yerci S., Tauqeer T., Mehmood M.Q., Rho J., "Engineering spin and antiferromagnetic resonances to realize an efficient direction-multiplexed visible meta-hologram", Nanoscale Horizons, 5, pp. 57-64, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Ansari M.A., Kim I., Rukhlenko I.D., Zubair M., Yerci S., Tauqeer T., Mehmood M.Q., Rho J., "Erratum: Engineering spin and antiferromagnetic resonances to realize an efficient direction-multiplexed visible meta-hologram (Nanoscale Horizons (2020) 5 (57-64) DOI: 10.1039/C9NH00460B)", Nanoscale Horizons, 5, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Atik A.C., Ozkan M.D., Ozgur E., Kulah H., Yildirim E., "Modeling and fabrication of electrostatically actuated diaphragms for on-chip valving of MEMS-compatible microfluidic systems", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 30, art. no. 115001, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Babaei A., Soltanpoor W., Tesa-Serrate M.A., Yerci S., Sessolo M., Bolink H.J., "Preparation and Characterization of Mixed Halide MAPbI3−xClx Perovskite Thin Films by Three-Source Vacuum Deposition", Energy Technology, 8, art. no. 1900784, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Bozyigit M.A., Sahin A.B., Bayram B., "Design and characterization of a buckling-resistant perforated MEMS membrane under residual stress", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 30, art. no. 055004, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Caglayan Z., Demircan Yalcin Y., Kulah H., "Examination of the dielectrophoretic spectra of MCF7 breast cancer cells and leukocytes", Electrophoresis, 41, pp. 345-352, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Caglayan Z., Yalcin Y.D., Kulah H., "A prominent cell manipulation technique in biomems: Dielectrophoresis", Micromachines, 11, art. no. 990, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Cetin D., Okan M., Bat E., Kulah H., "A comparative study on EpCAM antibody immobilization on gold surfaces and microfluidic channels for the detection of circulating tumor cells", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 188, art. no. 110808, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Chamanian S., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "A self-adapting synchronized-switch interface circuit for piezoelectric energy harvesters", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35, art. no. 8705391, pp. 901-912, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Govdeli A., Kocaman S., "On-Chip Switch and Add/Drop Multiplexer Design with Left-Handed Behavior in Photonic Crystals", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 26, art. no. 8889392, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Koc M., Kartopu G., Yerci S., "Combined optical-electrical optimization of Cd1-xZnxTe/silicon tandem solar cells", Materials, 13, art. no. 1860, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Livanelioglu C., Ozer Y., Kocaman S., "SWIR nightglow radiation detection around room temperature with depletion-engineered HgCdTe on alternative substrates", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 37, pp. 56-66, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Orsel O.E., Erdil M., Kocaman S., "A 2D Slotted Rod Type PhC Cavity Inertial Sensor Design for Impact Sensing", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 56, art. no. 8933394, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Ozkayar G., Mutlu E., Sahin S., Yalcin Y.D., Toral T., Kulah H., Yildirim E., Zorlu O., Ozgur E., "A novel microfluidic method utilizing a hydrofoil structure to improve circulating tumor cell enrichment: Design and analytical validation", Micromachines, 11, art. no. 981, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Sen-Dogan B., Okan M., Afsar-Erkal N., Ozgur E., Zorlu O., Kulah H., "Enhancement of the start-up time for microliter-scale microbial fuel cells (μMFCs) via the surface modification of gold electrodes", Micromachines, 11, art. no. 703, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Soltanpoor W., Dreessen C., Sahiner M.C., Susic I., Afshord A.Z., Chirvony V.S., Boix P.P., Gunbas G., Yerci S., Bolink H.J., "Hybrid Vapor-Solution Sequentially Deposited Mixed-Halide Perovskite Solar Cells", ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3, pp. 8257-8265, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Electronics] Tanrikulu M.Y., Yildizak C., Okyay A.K., Akar O., Sarac A., Akin T., "Realization of Single Layer Microbolometer Detector Pixel Using ZnO Material", IEEE Sensors Journal, 20, art. no. 9089012, pp. 9677-9684, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Ceylan O., Sezgin M.E., Gol M., Verga M., Lazzari R., Kwaye M.P., Sandroni C., "Harmony search algorithm based management of distributed energy resources and storage systems in microgrids", Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10, art. no. 3252, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Ilseven E., Gol M., "Incorporation of generator maintenance scheduling with long-term power sector forecasting and planning studies", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 14, pp. 2581-2591, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Energy and Power Systems] Yilmaz U.C., Sezgin M.E., Gol M., "A Model Predictive Control for Microgrids Considering Battery Aging", Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 8, art. no. 9042931, pp. 296-304, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Robotics] Gul O.M., Erkmen A.M., "Energy-efficient cluster-based data collection by a uav with a limited-capacity battery in robotic wireless sensor networks", Sensors (Switzerland), 20, art. no. 5865, pp. 1-35, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Ayazgok S., Oktem F.S., "Efficient computation of 2D point-spread functions for diffractive lenses", Applied Optics, 59, pp. 445-451, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Bayram E., Thanou D., Vural E., Frossard P., "Mask Combination of Multi-Layer Graphs for Global Structure Inference", IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 6, art. no. 9095354, pp. 394-406, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Candan C., "Chebyshev center computation on probability simplex with α-divergence measure", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 27, art. no. 3018661, pp. 1515-1519, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Candan C., "Making linear prediction perform like maximum likelihood in Gaussian autoregressive model parameter estimation", Signal Processing, 166, art. no. 107256, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Cayir O., Candan C., "Transmit beamformer design with a PAPR constraint to trade-off between beampattern shape and power efficiency", Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 99, art. no. 102674, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Dino I.G., Sari A.E., Iseri O.K., Akin S., Kalfaoglu E., Erdogan B., Kalkan S., Alatan A.A., "Image-based construction of building energy models using computer vision", Automation in Construction, 116, art. no. 103231, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Signal Processing] Ungan C.U., Candan C., Ciloglu T., "A space-time coded mills cross MIMO architecture to improve DOA estimation and its performance evaluation by field experiments", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 56, art. no. 8894430, pp. 1807-1818, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Data have been collected on June 15, 2021, using Scopus API.
  • Quartile rank (best quartiles as provided by www.scimagojr.com) icons refer to the journal quartiles of the previous year (2019) as it is the only available ranking at the start of this year.
  • Floating images visible upon a mouse float on the aforementioned icons are the most recent journal quartiles provided by www.scimagojr.com.


[Biomedical] Erenler T., Serinagaoglu Dogrusoz Y., "ML and MAP estimation of parameters for the Kalman filter and smoother applied to electrocardiographic imaging", Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 57, pp. 2093-2113, 2019. (link)
[Biomedical] Eroglu H.H., Sadighi M., Eyuboglu B.M., "Magnetohydrodynamic flow imaging of ionic solutions using electrical current injection and MR phase measurements", Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 303, pp. 128-137, 2019. (link)
[Biomedical] Onak O.N., Dogrusoz Y.S., Weber G.W., "Evaluation of multivariate adaptive non-parametric reduced-order model for solving the inverse electrocardiography problem: a simulation study", Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 57, pp. 967-993, 2019. (link)
[Communications] Devassy R., Durisi G., Ferrante G.C., Simeone O., Uysal E., "Reliable Transmission of Short Packets Through Queues and Noisy Channels Under Latency and Peak-Age Violation Guarantees", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 37, art. no. 8640078, pp. 721-734, 2019. (link)
[Communications] Gulgun Z., Yilmaz A.O., "Detection schemes for high order M-ary QAM under transmit nonlinearities", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67, art. no. 8668538, pp. 4825-4834, 2019. (link)
[Communications] Nakiboglu B., "The Augustin Capacity and Center", Problems of Information Transmission, 55, pp. 299-342, 2019. (link)
[Communications] Nakiboglu B., "The Rényi capacity and center", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 65, art. no. 8423117, pp. 841-860, 2019. (link)
[Communications] Nakiboglu B., "The Sphere Packing Bound for DSPCs with Feedback à la Augustin", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67, art. no. 8776643, pp. 7456-7467, 2019. (link)
[Communications] Nakiboglu B., "The sphere packing bound via Augustin's method", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 65, art. no. 8550744, pp. 816-840, 2019. (link)
[Control Theory] Kara S.F., Ozkan E., "Multiellipsoidal extended target tracking with known extent using sequential Monte Carlo framework", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 27, pp. 1546-1558, 2019. (link)
[Control Theory] Karadeniz Kartal S., Leblebicioglu M.K., Ege E., "Experimental test of vision-based navigation and system identification of an unmanned underwater survey vehicle (SAGA) for the yaw motion", Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 41, pp. 2160-2170, 2019. (link)
[Control Theory] Ozge Bacak H., Leblebicioglu K., Tanacan A., Beksac M.S., "Computerized hybrid decision-making system for hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women", Technology and Health Care, 27, pp. 49-59, 2019. (link)
[Control Theory] Schmidt K.W., Hazir O., "Formulation and solution of an optimal control problem for industrial project control", Annals of Operations Research, 280, pp. 337-350, 2019. (link)
[Control Theory] Tuna S.E., "Synchronization of linear systems via relative actuation", Systems and Control Letters, 134, art. no. 104527, 2019. (link)
[Control Theory] Tuna S.E., "Synchronization of small oscillations", Automatica, 107, pp. 154-161, 2019. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Ceylan D., Karagoz M., Cevik Y., Yildirim B., Polat H., Keysan O., "Simulations and Experiments of EMFY-1 Electromagnetic Launcher", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 47, art. no. 8727719, pp. 3336-3343, 2019. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Mueller M.A., Burchell J., Chong Y.C., Keysan O., McDonald A., Galbraith M., Echenique Subiabre E.J.P., "Improving the thermal performance of rotary and linear air-cored permanent magnet machines for direct drive wind and wave energy applications", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 34, art. no. 8534445, pp. 773-781, 2019. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Ozkan Z., Hava A.M., "Current control of single-phase VSC systems with inductor saturation using inverse dynamic model-based compensation", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66, art. no. 8620503, pp. 9268-9277, 2019. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Qi Y., Bostanci E., Zafarani M., Akin B., "Severity Estimation of Interturn Short Circuit Fault for PMSM", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66, art. no. 8526521, pp. 7260-7269, 2019. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Tarvirdilu-Asl R., Yuksel M., Keysan O., "Multi-objective design optimization of a permanent magnet axial flux eddy current brake", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 27, pp. 998-1011, 2019. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Zeinali R., Keysan O., "A rare-earth free magnetically geared generator for direct-drive wind turbines", Energies, 12, art. no. 447, 2019. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Farshkaran A., Ergul O., "Implementation of the Equivalence Principle Algorithm for Potential Integral Equations", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 67, art. no. 8631159, pp. 3249-3255, 2019. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karaosmanoglu B., Ergul O., "Visual Result Prediction in Electromagnetic Simulations Using Machine Learning", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 18, art. no. 8826322, pp. 2264-2266, 2019. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karaosmanoglu B., Tuygar E., Topcuoglu U., Ergul O., "Improving the absorption of solar cells using antenna-inspired cavities", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 61, pp. 1924-1930, 2019. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Khalichi B., Ergul O., Erturk V., "Broadband Solutions of Potential Integral Equations with NSPWMLFMA", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 67, art. no. 8668815, pp. 4307-4312, 2019. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Kilic H.H., Demir S., "Highly efficient dual-band GaN power amplifier utilising pin diode-based tunable harmonic load matching", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 13, pp. 63-70, 2019. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Memioglu O., Kazan O., Turan I., Karakuzulu A., Gundel A., Kocer F., Civi O.A., "Development of X-band transceiver MMIC’s using GaN technology", Advanced Electromagnetics, 8, pp. 1-9, 2019. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Kuzuoglu M., "A Domain Decomposition Finite-Element Method for Modeling Electromagnetic Scattering from Rough Sea Surfaces with Emphasis on Near-Forward Scattering", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 67, art. no. 8486961, pp. 335-345, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Ansari M.A., Kim I., Lee D., Waseem M.H., Zubair M., Mahmood N., Badloe T., Yerci S., Tauqeer T., Mehmood M.Q., Rho J., "A Spin-Encoded All-Dielectric Metahologram for Visible Light", Laser and Photonics Reviews, 13, art. no. 1900065, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Ayan A., Turkay D., Unlu B., Naghinazhadahmadi P., Oliaei S.N.B., Boztug C., Yerci S., "Strain Engineering of Germanium Nanobeams by Electrostatic Actuation", Scientific Reports, 9, art. no. 4963, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Cetin R., Akin T., "Numerical and Experimental Investigation into LWIR Transmission Performance of Complementary Silicon Subwavelength Antireflection Grating (SWARG) Structures", Scientific Reports, 9, art. no. 4683, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Chamanian S., Baghaee S., Ulusan H., Zorlu O., Uysal-Biyikoglu E., Kulah H., "Implementation of Energy-Neutral Operation on Vibration Energy Harvesting WSN", IEEE Sensors Journal, 19, art. no. 8601304, pp. 3092-3099, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Chamanian S., Ciftci B., Ulusan H., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "Power-Efficient Hybrid Energy Harvesting System for Harnessing Ambient Vibrations", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 66, art. no. 8667860, pp. 2784-2793, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Chamanian S., Ulusan H., Koyuncuoglu A., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "An Adaptable Interface Circuit with Multistage Energy Extraction for Low-Power Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting MEMS", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34, art. no. 8385111, pp. 2739-2747, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Circir K., Dolas M.H., Kocaman S., "Optimization of in-device depleted passivation layer for InGaAs photodetectors", Infrared Physics and Technology, 97, pp. 360-364, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Comart I., Cetintepe C., Sagiroglu E., Demir S., Akin T., "Development and Modeling of a Wafer-Level BCB Packaging Method for Capacitive RF MEMS Switches", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 28, art. no. 8705355, pp. 724-731, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Demircan Yalcin Y., Sukas S., Toral T.B., Gunduz U., Kulah H., "Exploring the relationship between cytoplasmic ion content variation and multidrug resistance in cancer cells via ion-release based impedance spectroscopy", Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 290, pp. 180-187, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Erdil M., Ozer Y., Kocaman S., "High-Q slot-mode photonic crystal nanobeam cavity biosensor with optomechanically enhanced sensitivity", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 25, art. no. 8528407, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Hostut M., Tansel T., Kilic A., Akin T., Ergun Y., "The detailed analysis of wavefunction overlaps for InAs/AlSb/GaSb based N-structure type-II SL pin photodetectors", Physica Scripta, 94, art. no. 075007, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Kartopu G., Oklobia O., Turkay D., Diercks D.R., Gorman B.P., Barrioz V., Campbell S., Major J.D., Al Turkestani M.K., Yerci S., Barnes T.M., Beattie N.S., Zoppi G., Jones S., Irvine S.J.C., "Study of thin film poly-crystalline CdTe solar cells presenting high acceptor concentrations achieved by in-situ arsenic doping", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 194, pp. 259-267, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Koc M., Soltanpoor W., Bektas G., Bolink H.J., Yerci S., "Guideline for Optical Optimization of Planar Perovskite Solar Cells", Advanced Optical Materials, 7, art. no. 1900944, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Ozcan C., Turkay D., Yerci S., "Optical and electrical design guidelines for ZnO/CdS nanorod-based CdTe solar cells", Optics Express, 27, pp. A339-A351, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Tugen A., Kocaman S., "Quantitative analysis of nonlinear dynamics of quantum light transmission in strongly coupled quantum dot-cavity systems", Optics Communications, 436, pp. 146-150, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Turkay D., Koroglu C., Yerci S., "Analysis of Field-Effect Passivation in Textured and Undiffused Silicon Surfaces", Physical Review Applied, 12, art. no. 034026, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Ulusan H., Chamanian S., Ilik B., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "Fully Implantable Cochlear Implant Interface Electronics with 51.2-uW Front-End Circuit", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 27, art. no. 8695859, pp. 1504-1512, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Ulusan H., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "A Sub-500 μ W Interface Electronics for Bionic Ears", IEEE Access, 7, art. no. 8834872, pp. 132140-132152, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Uzgur F., Kocaman S., "Barrier engineering for HgCdTe unipolar detectors on alternative substrates", Infrared Physics and Technology, 97, pp. 123-128, 2019. (link)
[Electronics] Uzgur F., Kocaman S., "InGaAs nBn SWIR detector design with lattice-matched InAlGaAs barrier", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 27, pp. 1-10, 2019. (link)
[Energy and Power Systems] Aydogdu A., Tor O.B., Guven A.N., "CVaR-based stochastic wind-thermal generation coordination for Turkish electricity market", Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 7, pp. 1307-1318, 2019. (link)
[Robotics] Durdu A., Erkmen A.M., Yilmaz A., "Reshaping human intention in Human-Robot Interactions by robot moves: A comparative analysis of HMM and OOM methods", Interaction Studies, 20, pp. 530-560, 2019. (link)
[Robotics] Ege E., Ankarali M.M., "Feedback motion planning of unmanned surface vehicles via random sequential composition", Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 41, pp. 3321-3330, 2019. (link)
[Robotics] Gultekin G.K., Saranli A., "Feature Detection Performance Based Benchmarking of Motion Deblurring Methods: Applications to Vision for Legged Robots", Image and Vision Computing, 82, pp. 26-38, 2019. (link)
[Robotics] Gultekin G.K., Saranli A., "Multi-Frame motion deblurring of video using the natural oscillatory motion of dexterous legged robots", IET Image Processing, 13, pp. 1502-1508, 2019. (link)
[Robotics] Nickl R.W., Ankarali M.M., Cowan N.J., "Complementary spatial and timing control in rhythmic arm movements", Journal of Neurophysiology, 121, pp. 1543-1560, 2019. (link)
[Robotics] Uyanik I., Hamzacebi H., Ankarali M.M., "State-space identification of switching linear discrete time-periodic systems with known scheduling signals", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 27, pp. 2755-2768, 2019. (link)
[Robotics] Uyanik I., Saranli U., Ankarali M.M., Cowan N.J., Morgul O., "Frequency-Domain Subspace Identification of Linear Time-Periodic (LTP) Systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64, art. no. 8447499, pp. 2529-2536, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Alici K.B., Oktem F.S., Karci O., Yilmaz A.S., Selimoglu O., "Image Chain Simulation for Earth Observation Satellites", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12, art. no. 8888230, pp. 4014-4023, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Candan C., "Properly Handling Complex Differentiation in Optimization and Approximation Problems: ICASSP Panel [Lecture Notes]", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 36, art. no. 8653514, pp. 117-124, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Davila J.M., Oktem F.S., Kamalabadi F., "Slitless Solar Imaging Spectroscopy", Astrophysical Journal, 883, art. no. 7, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Demir O.T., Tuncer T.E., "Improved ADMM-based algorithms for multi-group multicasting in large-scale antenna systems with extension to hybrid beamforming", Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 93, pp. 43-57, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Demir O.T., Tuncer T.E., "Robust Optimum and Near-Optimum Beamformers for Decode-And-Forward Full-Duplex Multi-Antenna Relay with Self-Energy Recycling", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 18, art. no. 8625706, pp. 1566-1580, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Isil C., Oktem F.S., Koc A., "Deep iterative reconstruction for phase retrieval", Applied Optics, 58, pp. 5422-5431, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Kamisli F., "Lossless Image and Intra-Frame Compression With Integer-to-Integer DST", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 29, art. no. 8240676, pp. 502-516, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Kar O.U.F., Oktem F.S., "Compressive spectral imaging with diffractive lenses", Optics Letters, 44, pp. 4582-4585, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Oktem F.S., "Sparsity-based three-dimensional image reconstruction for near-field MIMO radar imaging", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 27, pp. 3282-3295, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Ornek C., Vural E., "Nonlinear supervised dimensionality reduction via smooth regular embeddings", Pattern Recognition, 87, pp. 55-66, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Ozkan S., Kaya B., Akar G.B., "EndNet: Sparse AutoEncoder Network for Endmember Extraction and Hyperspectral Unmixing", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57, art. no. 8429926, pp. 482-496, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Unlu B., Ozceylan B., Baykal B., "DIVVY: An Efficient Shared Cell Scheduling Method and Algorithm for 6TiSCH-Based IoT Networks", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 3, art. no. 8527560, pp. 170-179, 2019. (link)
[Signal Processing] Vural E., "Domain adaptation on graphs by learning graph topologies: Theoretical analysis and an algorithm", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 27, pp. 1619-1635, 2019. (link)


[Biomedical]  Eroglu, H.H., Sadighi, M., Eyuboglu, B.M. "Induced Current Magnetic Resonance Electrical Conductivity Imaging with Oscillating Gradients," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37 (7), pp. 1606-1617., 2018. (link)
[Biomedical] Gozu M.S., Zengin R., Gencer N.G., "Numerical implementation of magneto-acousto-electrical tomography (MAET) using a linear phased array transducer", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63, art. no. 035012, 2018. (link)
[Biomedical] Onak O.N., Serinagaoglu Dogrusoz Y., Weber G.W., "Effects of a priori parameter selection in minimum relative entropy method on inverse electrocardiography problem", Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 26, pp. 877-897, 2018. (link)
[Communications] Kadota I., Sinha A., Uysal-Biyikoglu E., Singh R., Modiano E., "Scheduling policies for minimizing age of information in broadcast wireless networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 26, art. no. 8514816, pp. 2637-2650, 2018. (link)
[Communications] Ucuncu A.B., Yilmaz A.O., "Oversampling in One-Bit Quantized Massive MIMO Systems and Performance Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 17, art. no. 8487039, pp. 7952-7964, 2018. (link)
[Communications] Yazarel Y.K., Yilmaz A.O., "Efficient scheduling and power allocation for multiuser decoding receivers in OFDMA networks with minimum rate requirements", Physical Communication, 26, pp. 60-70, 2018. (link)
[Computer] Akkaya I.B., Halici U., "Mouse face tracking using convolutional neural networks", IET Computer Vision, 12, pp. 153-161, 2018. (link)
[Control Theory] Ahiska K., Ozgoren M.K., Leblebicioglu M.K., "Autopilot Design for Vehicle Cornering Through Icy Roads", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, pp. 1867-1880, 2018. (link)
[Control Theory] Akman C., Sonmez T., Ozugur O., Basli A.B., Leblebicioglu M.K., "Sensor fusion, sensitivity analysis and calibration in shooter localization systems", Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 271, pp. 66-75, 2018. (link)
[Control Theory] Al-Jhayyish A.M.H., Schmidt K.W., "Feedforward Strategies for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Heterogeneous Vehicle Strings", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19, art. no. 8168369, pp. 113-122, 2018. (link)
[Control Theory] Beksac M.S., Tanacan A., Bacak H.O., Leblebicioglu K., "Computerized prediction system for the route of delivery (vaginal birth versus cesarean section)", Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 46, pp. 881-884, 2018. (link)
[Control Theory] Dulger O., Oguztuzun H., Demirekler M., "Memory Coalescing Implementation of Metropolis Resampling on Graphics Processing Unit", Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 90, pp. 433-447, 2018. (link)
[Control Theory] Ergezer H., Leblebicioglu K., "Time series classification with feature covariance matrices", Knowledge and Information Systems, 55, pp. 695-718, 2018. (link)
[Control Theory] Gul O.M., Demirekler M., "Asymptotically throughput optimal scheduling for energy harvesting wireless sensor networks", IEEE Access, 6, art. no. 8438446, pp. 45004-45020, 2018. (link)
[Control Theory] Karadeniz Kartal S., Leblebicioglu M.K., Ege E., "Experimental test of the acoustic-based navigation and system identification of an unmanned underwater survey vehicle (SAGA)", Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 40, pp. 2476-2487, 2018. (link)
[Control Theory] Saglam H.B., Schmidt K.W., "Outputs bounds for linear systems with repeated input signals: Existence, computation and application to vehicle platooning", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 26, pp. 283-293, 2018. (link)
[Control Theory] Tuna S.E., "Observability through a matrix-weighted graph", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63, pp. 2061-2074, 2018. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Balouji E., Salor O., Ermis M., "Exponential Smoothing of Multiple Reference Frame Components with GPUs for Real-Time Detection of Time-Varying Harmonics and Interharmonics of EAF Currents", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 54, art. no. 8389202, pp. 6566-6575, 2018. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Ceylan D., Gudelek M.U., Keysan O., "Armature Shape Optimization of an Electromagnetic Launcher Including Contact Resistance", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 46, art. no. 8393457, pp. 3619-3627, 2018. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Durna E., Gercek C.O., Salor O., Ermis M., "Suppression of the second harmonic subgroup injected by an AC EAF: Design considerations and performance estimation of a shunt APF", Electronics (Switzerland), 7, art. no. 53, 2018. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Guvengir U., Cadirci I., Ermis M., "On-line application of SHEM by particle swarm optimization to grid-connected, three-phase, two-level VSCs with variable DC link voltage", Electronics (Switzerland), 7, art. no. 151, 2018. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Hadjdida A., Bourahla M., Ertan H.B., Bekhti M., "Analytical modelling, simulation and comparative study of multi-junction solar cells efficiency", International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 8, pp. 1824-1832, 2018. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Maharjan L., Bostanci E., Wang S., Cosoroaba E., Cai W., Yi F., Shamsi P., Wang W., Gu L., Luo M., Rahman N.A., McDonough M., Lin C., Hearron J., Narvaez C.C., Wu M., Isfahani A.H., Li Y., Rao G., Moallem M., Balsara P.T., Fahimi B., "Comprehensive Report on Design and Development of a 100-kW DSSRM", IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 4, art. no. 8438523, pp. 835-856, 2018. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Ozturk S., Canver M., Cadirci I., Ermis M., "All SiC grid-connected PV supply with HF link MPPT converter: System design methodology and development of a 20 kHz, 25 kVA prototype", Electronics (Switzerland), 7, art. no. 85, 2018. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Ozturk S., Pospos P., Utalay V., Koc A., Ermis M., Cadirci I., "Operating principles and practical design aspects of all SiC DC/AC/DC converter for MPPT in grid-connected PV supplies", Solar Energy, 176, pp. 380-394, 2018. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Qi Y., Bostanci E., Gurusamy V., Akin B., "A Comprehensive Analysis of Short-Circuit Current Behavior in PMSM Interturn Short-Circuit Faults", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33, art. no. 8302979, pp. 10784-10793, 2018. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Zafarani M., Bostanci E., Qi Y., Goktas T., Akin B., "Interturn short-circuit faults in permanent magnet synchronous machines: An extended review and comprehensive analysis", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 6, art. no. 8306090, pp. 2173-2191, 2018. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Alatan L., "Wideband omnidirectional and sector coverage antenna arrays for base stations", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 82, pp. 29-38, 2018. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ali A., Ciydem M., Altintas A., Koc S., "VHF suspended plate transmitter antenna design for DVB-T and DAB-T", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 60, pp. 1536-1546, 2018. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Erdil E., Topalli K., Civi O.A., "Effect of symmetry on insertion loss in SRR and CSRR Transmitarray unit cells implementing the element rotation method", Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 33, pp. 835-841, 2018. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ergul O., MacHac J., "MTT-S regional coordinator visits Turkey [MTT-S Society News]", IEEE Microwave Magazine, 19, pp. 102-103, 2018. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ibili H., Karaosmanoglu B., Ergul O., "Demonstration of negative refractive index with low-cost inkjet-printed microwave metamaterials", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 60, pp. 187-191, 2018. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Kalfa M., Ergul O., Erturk V.B., "Error control of multiple-precision MLFMA", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 66, art. no. 8408812, pp. 5651-5656, 2018. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karaosmanoglu B., Eray H., Ergul O., "Full-wave optimization of three-dimensional photonic-crystal structures involving dielectric rods", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 35, pp. 1103-1113, 2018. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karaova G., Altinoklu A., Ergul O., "Erratum: Publisher Correction: Full-Wave Electromagnetic Optimisation of Corrugated Metallic Reflectors Using a Multigrid Approach (Scientific reports (2018) 8 1 (1267))", Scientific reports, 8, art. no. 7448, 2018. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karaova G., Altlnoklu A., Ergul O., "Full-wave electromagnetic optimisation of corrugated metallic reectors using a multigrid approach", Scientific Reports, 8, art. no. 1267, 2018. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Kuzuoglu M., "Coordinate transformation aided finite element method for contour detection of breast tumors in microwave imaging", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 34, art. no. e3124, 2018. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Toker C., Saglam M., Ozme M., Gunalp N., "Authors' Reply to 'Comments on 'Branch-Line Couplers Using Unequal Line Lengths"", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 66, art. no. 8401529, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Ates H.C., Ozgur E., Kulah H., "Comparative study on antibody immobilization strategies for efficient circulating tumor cell capture", Biointerphases, 13, art. no. 021001, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Aydin E., Gokce F., Kangul M., Zorlu O., Kulah H., "A second harmonic based resonance characterization method for MEMS electrostatic resonators", Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 274, pp. 220-230, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Besikci C., "High-x InP/InxGa1−xAs quantum well infrared photodetector", Infrared Physics and Technology, 95, pp. 152-157, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Erdinc H., Kocaman S., "Analysis of quantum-dot-embedded multicavity arrays for on-chip WDM applications", Turkish Journal of Physics, 42, pp. 356-367, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Govdeli A., Sarihan M.C., Karaca U., Kocaman S., "Integrated Optical Modulator Based on Transition between Photonic Bands", Scientific Reports, 8, art. no. 1619, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Hadibrata W., Es F., Yerci S., Turan R., "Ultrathin Si solar cell with nanostructured light trapping by metal assisted etching", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 180, pp. 247-252, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Ilik B., Koyuncuoglu A., Sardan-Sukas O., Kulah H., "Thin film piezoelectric acoustic transducer for fully implantable cochlear implants", Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 280, pp. 38-46, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Kartopu G., Turkay D., Ozcan C., Hadibrata W., Aurang P., Yerci S., Unalan H.E., Barrioz V., Qu Y., Bowen L., Gurlek A.K., Maiello P., Turan R., Irvine S.J.C., "Photovoltaic performance of CdS/CdTe junctions on ZnO nanorod arrays", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 176, pp. 100-108, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Ozer Y., Kocaman S., "Stability Formulation for Integrated Opto-mechanic Phase Shifters", Scientific Reports, 8, art. no. 1937, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Ulusan H., Chamanian S., Pathirana W.P.M.R., Zorlu O., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "A triple hybrid micropower generator with simultaneous multi-mode energy harvesting", Smart Materials and Structures, 27, art. no. 014002, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Uzgur F., Karaca U., Kizilkan E., Kocaman S., "All InGaAs Unipolar Barrier Infrared Detectors", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, pp. 1397-1403, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Yarman B.S., Palamutcuoglullari O., Kaya I., Kizilbey O., Aksen A., Akin T., Ozkan Z.L., Oksar I., Nesimoglu T., "Microwave engineering expertise in Turkey [around the globe]", IEEE Microwave Magazine, 19, pp. 135-140, 2018. (link)
[Electronics] Yasar O., Ulusan H., Zorlu O., Sardan-Sukas O., Kulah H., "Optimization of AA-Battery Sized Electromagnetic Energy Harvesters: Reducing the Resonance Frequency Using a Non-Magnetic Inertial Mass", IEEE Sensors Journal, 18, pp. 4509-4516, 2018. (link)
[Energy and Power Systems] Gol M., "A Decentralization Method for Hybrid State Estimators", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33, pp. 2070-2077, 2018. (link)
[Energy and Power Systems] Guvercinci A.H., Gol M., "Assessment of regional transmission connection capacity based on two novel indices", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 12, pp. 3470-3476, 2018. (link)
[Energy and Power Systems] Ilseven E., Gol M., "Hydro-Optimization-Based Medium-Term Price Forecasting Considering Demand and Supply Uncertainty", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33, pp. 4074-4083, 2018. (link)
[Energy and Power Systems] Sezgin E., Gol M., Salor O., "Determination of harmonic current contributions based on robust state estimation", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 26, pp. 307-317, 2018. (link)
[Energy and Power Systems] Tor O.B., Cebeci M.E., Kas N., Goktepe M., Kalkan E., Yilmaz S.C., Gundogdu A., Guven A.N., "Implementation of low voltage express feeder (LVEF) to reduce of no-load losses of distribution transformers which suffer high seasonal load deviation Alçak gerilim ekspres fider uygulaması ile sezonsal yüklenme farkları yüksek olan dağıtım transformatörlerin boşta kayıplarının azaltılması", Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 33, pp. 979-994, 2018. (link)
[Energy and Power Systems] Tor O.B., Cebeci M.E., Koc M., Guven A.N., "Dynamic optimization of long term primary electric distribution network investments based on planning metrics Primer elektrik dağıtım şebekelerinin uzun dönem kapasite artış yatırımlarının planlama ölçütlerine dayalı dinamik optimizasyonu", Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 33, pp. 227-237, 2018. (link)
[Robotics] Tytell E.D., Carr J.A., Danos N., Wagenbach C., Sullivan C.M., Kiemel T., Cowan N.J., Ankarali M.M., "Body stiffness and damping depend sensitively on the timing of muscle activation in lampreys", Integrative and comparative biology, 58, pp. 860-873, 2018. (link)
[Signal Processing] Bayram E., Frossard P., Vural E., Alatan A., "Analysis of airborne LiDAR point clouds with spectral graph filtering", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15, pp. 1284-1288, 2018. (link)
[Signal Processing] Cayir O., Candan C., "Performance Improvement of Time-Balance Radar Schedulers Through Decision Policies", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 54, art. no. 8269279, pp. 1679-1691, 2018. (link)
[Signal Processing] Demir O.T., Tuncer T.E., "Optimum QoS-Aware Beamformer Design for Full-Duplex Relay with Self-Energy Recycling", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 7, pp. 122-125, 2018. (link)
[Signal Processing] Epcacan E., Ciloglu T., "A Hybrid Nonlinear Method for Array Thinning", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 66, pp. 2318-2325, 2018. (link)
[Signal Processing] Erdemir E., Tuncer T.E., "Path planning for mobile-anchor based wireless sensor network localization: Static and dynamic schemes", Ad Hoc Networks, 77, pp. 1-10, 2018. (link)
[Signal Processing] Gundogdu E., Alatan A.A., "Good Features to Correlate for Visual Tracking", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27, pp. 2526-2540, 2018. (link)
[Signal Processing] Irmak H., Akar G.B., Yuksel S.E., "A MAP-Based Approach for Hyperspectral Imagery Super-Resolution", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27, pp. 2942-2951, 2018. (link)
[Signal Processing] Oktem F.S., Kamalabadi F., Davila J.M., "Analytical Fresnel imaging models for photon sieves", Optics Express, 26, pp. 32259-32279, 2018. (link)
[Signal Processing] Solmaz B., Gundogdu E., Yucesoy V., Koc A., Alatan A.A., "Fine-grained recognition of maritime vessels and land vehicles by deep feature embedding", IET Computer Vision, 12, pp. 1121-1132, 2018. (link)
[Signal Processing] Vural E., Guillemot C., "A study of the classification of low-dimensional data with supervised manifold learning", Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18, pp. 1-55, 2018. (link)


[Biomedical] Ghalichi E., Gencer N.G., "Theoretical limits to sensitivity and resolution in magneto-acousto-electrical tomography", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 62, pp. 8025-8040, 2017. (link)
[Biomedical] Tafreshi A.K., Top C.B., Gencer N.G., "Two-dimensional multi-frequency imaging of a tumor inclusion in a homogeneous breast phantom using the harmonic motion Doppler imaging method", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 62, pp. 4852-4869, 2017. (link)
[Biomedical]  Degirmenci, E., Eyuboglu, B.M. , "Analysis of reconstruction performance of magnetic resonance conductivity tensor imaging (MRCTI) using simulated measurements", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 474-483. (link)
SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Biomedical]   Çevik, A., Weber, G.-W., Eyüboğlu, B.M., Oğuz, K.K. , "Voxel-MARS: a method for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease by classification of structural brain MRI", Annals of Operations Research, Volume 258, Issue 1, 1 November 2017, Pages 31-57. (link)
SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Communications] Bacinoglu B.T., Uysal-Biyikoglu E., Koksal C.E., "Finite-Horizon Energy-Efficient Scheduling with Energy Harvesting Transmitters over Fading Channels", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 16, art. no. 7959595, pp. 6105-6118, 2017. (link)
[Communications] Balevi E., Yilmaz A.O., "Interference mitigation in multiuser communication by faster than symbol rate sampling", Physical Communication, 25, pp. 148-157, 2017. (link)
[Communications] Ceran E.T., Erkilic T., Uysal-Biyikoglu E., Girici T., Leblebicioglu K., "Optimal energy allocation policies for a high altitude flying wireless access point", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 28, art. no. e3034, 2017. (link)
[Communications] Sen P., Yilmaz A.O., "A Low-Complexity Graph-Based LMMSE Receiver for MIMO ISI Channels with $m$-QAM Modulation", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 16, art. no. 7784848, pp. 1185-1195, 2017. (link)
[Communications] Sun Y., Uysal-Biyikoglu E., Yates R.D., Koksal C.E., Shroff N.B., "Update or Wait: How to Keep Your Data Fresh", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 63, art. no. 8000687, pp. 7492-7508, 2017. (link)
[Computer] Rasoulzadeh V., Erkus E.C., Yogurt T.A., Ulusoy I., Zergeroglu S.A., "A comparative stationarity analysis of EEG signals", Annals of Operations Research, 258, pp. 133-157, 2017. (link)
[Computer] Tabar Y.R., Halici U., "A novel deep learning approach for classification of EEG motor imagery signals", Journal of Neural Engineering, 14, art. no. 016003, 2017. (link)
[Computer] Tabar Y.R., Halici U., "Brain Computer Interfaces for Silent Speech", European Review, 25, pp. 208-230, 2017. (link)
[Computer] Toksoz M.A., Ulusoy I., "Hyperspectral Image Classification via Kernel Basic Thresholding Classifier", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55, art. no. 7592435, pp. 715-728, 2017. (link)
[Computer] Zengin S., Schmidt E.G., "A Fast and Accurate Hardware String Matching Module with Bloom Filters", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 28, art. no. 7485864, pp. 305-317, 2017. (link)
[Control Theory] Baskin M., Leblebicioglu K., "Robust control for line-of-sight stabilization of a two-axis gimbal system", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 25, pp. 3839-3853, 2017. (link)
[Control Theory] Gul O.M., Demirekler M., "Average throughput performance of myopic policy in energy harvesting wireless sensor networks", Sensors (Switzerland), 17, art. no. 2206, 2017. (link)
[Control Theory] Moor T., Schmidt K.W., "The Controllability Prefix for Supervisory Control under Partial Observation with an Application to Fault-Tolerant Control", IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50, pp. 13642-13647, 2017. (link)
[Control Theory] Schmidt K.W., "Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Vehicle Following During Lane Changes", IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50, pp. 12582-12587, 2017. (link)
[Control Theory] Schmidt K.W., "Reconfigurability of behavioural specifications for manufacturing systems", International Journal of Control, 90, pp. 2605-2617, 2017. (link)
[Control Theory] Tuna S.E., "Synchronization of harmonic oscillators under restorative coupling with applications in electrical networks", Automatica, 75, pp. 236-243, 2017. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Durna E., Yilmaz I., Ermis M., "Suppression of time-varying interharmonics produced by medium-frequency induction melting furnaces by a HAPF system", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32, art. no. 7433997, pp. 1030-1043, 2017. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Altinoklu A., Karaosmanoglu B., Ergul O., "Electromagnetic optimization of corrugated metallic sheets for maximum power focusing", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 31, pp. 837-849, 2017. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Demirel K., Yazgan E., Demir S., Akin T., "A folded leg Ka-band RF MEMS shunt switch with amorphous silicon (a-Si) sacrificial layer", Microsystem Technologies, 23, pp. 1191-1200, 2017. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Gur U.M., Ergul O., "Accuracy of sources and near-zone fields when using potential integral equations at low frequencies", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16, art. no. 8017410, pp. 2783-2786, 2017. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karaosmanoglu B., Kucuk S., Ergul O., "Fine-tuning snowflake fractal antennas", International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 30, art. no. e2212, 2017. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] O Nol C., U Cuncu A., Ergul O., "Efficient multilayer iterative solutions of electromagnetic problems using approximate forms of the multilevel fast multipole algorithm", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16, art. no. 8100949, pp. 3253-3256, 2017. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Saeed S.M., Balanis C.A., Birtcher C.R., Durgun A.C., Shaman H.N., "Wearable Flexible Reconfigurable Antenna Integrated with Artificial Magnetic Conductor", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16, art. no. 7959574, pp. 2396-2399, 2017. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Selcuk G., Koc S., "An Efficient Semianalytical Method for Hypersingularity Treatment over Curved Patches", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 65, art. no. 7858744, pp. 2740-2744, 2017. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Takrimi M., Ergul O., Erturk V.B., "Incomplete-Leaf Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm for Multiscale Penetrable Objects Formulated with Volume Integral Equations", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 65, art. no. 7967628, pp. 4914-4918, 2017. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Tuncyurek Y.E., Karaosmanoglu B., Ergul O., "Computational design of optical couplers for bended nanowire transmission lines", Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 32, pp. 562-568, 2017. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ustun K., Turhan-Sayan G., "Broadband LWIR and MWIR metamaterial absorbers with a simple design topology: Almost perfect absorption and super-octave band operation in MWIR band", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 34, pp. D86-D94, 2017. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ustun K., Turhan-Sayan G., "Ultra-broadband long-wavelength infrared metamaterial absorber based on a double-layer metasurface structure", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 34, pp. 456-462, 2017. (link)
[Electronics] Akyurek F., Bayram B., "Digital output ROIC with single slope ADC for cooled infrared applications", Microsystem Technologies, 23, pp. 1091-1099, 2017. (link)
[Electronics] Demirel K., Yazgan E., Demir S., Akin T., "A folded leg Ka-band RF MEMS shunt switch with amorphous silicon (a-Si) sacrificial layer", Microsystem Technologies, 23, pp. 1191-1200, 2017. (link)
[Electronics] Dolas M.H., Kocaman S., "Fully Depleted InP Nano-Layer for In-Device Passivation of InGaAs SWIR Detectors", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 38, art. no. 8070333, pp. 1692-1695, 2017. (link)
[Electronics] Gharehbaghi K., Kocer F., Kulah H., "Optimization of Power Conversion Efficiency in Threshold Self-Compensated UHF Rectifiers With Charge Conservation Principle", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 64, art. no. 7956210, pp. 2380-2387, 2017. (link)
[Electronics] Gharehbaghi K., Zorlu O., Kocer F., Kulah H., "Threshold compensated UHF rectifier with local self-calibrator", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 27, art. no. 7932502, pp. 575-577, 2017. (link)
[Electronics] Kangul M., Aydin E., Gokce F., Zorlu O., Kulah H., "Analysis and elimination of the capacitive feedthrough current on electrostatically actuated and sensed resonance-based MEMS sensors", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 26, pp. 1272-1278, 2017. (link)
[Electronics] Moradi S., Govdeli A., Kocaman S., "Zero average index design via perturbation of hexagonal photonic crystal lattice", Optical Materials, 73, pp. 577-584, 2017. (link)
[Electronics] Ozer Y., Kocaman S., "Generation recombination suppression via depletion engineered heterojunction for alternative substrate MWIR HgCdTe infrared photodetectors", Journal of Applied Physics, 122, art. no. 143103, 2017. (link)
[Electronics] Ulusan H., Zorlu O., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "Highly Integrated 3 v Supply Electronics for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesters with Minimum 0.4 Vpeak Input", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64, art. no. 7869322, pp. 5460-5467, 2017. (link)
[Energy and Power Systems] Cetinay H., Kuipers F.A., Guven A.N., "Optimal siting and sizing of wind farms", Renewable Energy, 101, pp. 51-58, 2017. (link)
[Energy and Power Systems] Ozdemir V., Gol M., "Robust local parameter estimator based on least absolute value estimator", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 25, pp. 3143-3151, 2017. (link)
[Energy and Power Systems] Ozguner E., Tor O.B., Guven A.N., "Probabilistic day-ahead system marginal price forecasting with ANN for the Turkish electricity market", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 25, pp. 4923-4935, 2017. (link)
[Signal Processing] Alici K.B., Buyuk H., Yilmaz A.S., Ozdemir C., Karci O., Oktem F.S., Selimoglu O., "Periodic aperture imaging", Optical Engineering, 56, art. no. 050502, 2017. (link)
[Signal Processing] Demir O.T., Tuncer T.E., "Max-Min Fair Resource Allocation for SWIPT in Multi-Group Multicast OFDM Systems", IEEE Communications Letters, 21, art. no. 7986955, pp. 2508-2511, 2017. (link)
[Signal Processing] Gundogdu E., Ozkan H., Alatan A., "Extending Correlation Filter-Based Visual Tracking by Tree-Structured Ensemble and Spatial Windowing", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26, art. no. 7995133, pp. 5270-5283, 2017. (link)
[Signal Processing] Oktem F.S., Ozaktas H.M., "Effect of spatial distribution of partial information on the accurate recovery of optical wave fields", Applied Optics, 56, pp. A133-A144, 2017. (link)


[Biomedical] Carlak H.F., Gencer N.G., Besikci C., "Theoretical assessment of electro-thermal imaging: A new technique for medical diagnosis", Infrared Physics and Technology, 76, pp. 227-234, 2016. (link)
[Biomedical] Goreke U., Habibiabad S., Azgin K., Dogrusoz Y.S., Beyaz M.I., "The Development and Performance Characterization of Turbine Prototypes for a MEMS Spirometer", IEEE Sensors Journal, 16, art. no. 7294626, pp. 628-633, 2016. (link)
[Biomedical]  Eroǧlu, H.H., Eyüboǧlu, B.M. , "Two alternatives for magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography: Injected or induced current", Physiological Measurement, Volume 37, Issue 11, 21 October 2016, Pages 2024-2049. (link)
SCImago Journal & Country Rank
[Biomedical] Top C.B., Tafreshi A.K., Gencer N.G., "Microwave Sensing of Acoustically Induced Local Harmonic Motion: Experimental and Simulation Studies on Breast Tumor Detection", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 64, art. no. 7575696, pp. 3974-3986, 2016. (link)
[Biomedical] Zengin R., Gencer N.G., "Lorentz force electrical impedance tomography using magnetic field measurements", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 61, pp. 5887-5905, 2016. (link)
[Communications] Balevi E., Yilmaz A.O., "Analysis of frequency domain oversampled MMSE SC-FDE", IEEE Communications Letters, 20, art. no. 2504927, pp. 232-235, 2016. (link)
[Computer] Altinoklu B., Ulusoy I., Tari S., "A probabilistic sparse skeleton based object detection", Pattern Recognition Letters, 83, pp. 243-250, 2016. (link)
[Computer] Atagoziyev M., Schmidt K.W., Schmidt E.G., "Lane Change Scheduling for Autonomous Vehicles", IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49, pp. 61-66, 2016. (link)
[Computer] Budak U., Halici U., Sengur A., Karabatak M., Xiao Y., "Efficient Airport Detection Using Line Segment Detector and Fisher Vector Representation", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 13, art. no. 7480830, pp. 1079-1083, 2016. (link)
[Computer] Erdem A.N., Halici U., "Applying Computational Aesthetics to a Video Game Application Using Machine Learning", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 36, art. no. 7478442, pp. 23-33, 2016. (link)
[Computer] Kartal Y.B., Schmidt E.G., Schmidt K.W., "Modeling distributed real-time systems in TIOA and UPPAAL", ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 16, art. no. 22, 2016. (link)
[Computer] Schmidt K.W., Alkan B., Schmidt E.G., Karani D.C., Karakaya U., "Controller area network with priority queues and FIFO queues: Improved schedulability analysis and message set extension", International Journal of Vehicle Design, 71, pp. 335-357, 2016. (link)
[Computer] Toksoz M.A., Ulusoy I., "Hyperspectral image classification via basic thresholding classifier", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54, art. no. 7437439, pp. 4039-4051, 2016. (link)
[Control Theory] Ari E.O., Kocaoglan E., "An SRWNN-based approach on developing a self-learning and self-evolving adaptive control system for motion platforms", International Journal of Control, 89, pp. 380-396, 2016. (link)
[Control Theory] CAKICI F., LEBLEBICIOGLU M.K., "Control System Design of a Vertical Take-off and Landing Fixed-Wing UAV", IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49, pp. 267-272, 2016. (link)
[Control Theory] Cakici F., Leblebicioglu M.K., "Design and analysis of a mode-switching micro unmanned aerial vehicle", International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 8, pp. 221-229, 2016. (link)
[Control Theory] Caklcl F., Ergezer H., Irmak U., Leblebicioglu M.K., "Coordinated guidance for multiple UAVs", Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 38, pp. 593-601, 2016. (link)
[Control Theory] Durdu A., Erkmen I., Erkmen A.M., "Estimating and reshaping human intention via human-robot interaction", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 24, pp. 88-104, 2016. (link)
[Control Theory] Durgut I., Leblebicioglu M.K., "State estimation of transient flow in gas pipelines by a Kalman filter-based estimator", Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 35, pp. 189-196, 2016. (link)
[Control Theory] Gunay M., Orguner U., Demirekler M., "Chernoff fusion of Gaussian mixtures based on sigma-point approximation", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 52, art. no. 7855579, pp. 2732-2746, 2016. (link)
[Control Theory] Kartal S.K., Ege E., Leblebicioglu M.K., "Optimal Autopilot and Guidance of the ROV: SAGA", IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49, pp. 401-406, 2016. (link)
[Control Theory] Ozdogan G., Leblebicioglu K., "Frequency response function measurement and parametric SISO system modelling of a gyro-stabilized infrared electro optic gimbal system", Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 38, pp. 512-528, 2016. (link)
[Control Theory] Tuna S.E., "Synchronization under matrix-weighted Laplacian", Automatica, 73, pp. 76-81, 2016. (link)
[Control Theory] Yaman F., Yllmaz A.E., Leblebicioglu K., "Approximation based curvilinear local search for optimization problems", Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales), 33, pp. 482-506, 2016. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Altintas E., Salor O., Buyukdagli U., Cadirci I., Ermis M., "Correlation between Multiple Electric Arc Furnace Operations and Unscheduled Power Flows in the Interconnection Lines at the Eastern Cross Border of ENTSO-E", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 52, art. no. 7434018, pp. 3508-3517, 2016. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Kantar E., Hava A.M., "Optimal Design of Grid-Connected Voltage-Source Converters Considering Cost and Operating Factors", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63, art. no. 7480376, pp. 5336-5347, 2016. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Radyjowski P., Keysan O., Burchell J., Mueller M., "Development of a superconducting claw-pole linear test-rig", Superconductor Science and Technology, 29, art. no. 044002, 2016. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Uz-Logoglu E., Salor O., Ermis M., "Online Characterization of Interharmonics and Harmonics of AC Electric Arc Furnaces by Multiple Synchronous Reference Frame Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 52, art. no. 7398023, pp. 2673-2683, 2016. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Yilmaz I., Durna E., Ermis M., "Design and Implementation of a Hybrid System for the Mitigation of PQ Problems of Medium-Frequency Induction Steel-Melting Furnaces", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 52, art. no. 7407625, pp. 2700-2713, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ciydem M., Koc S., "Wavefront-ray grid FDTD algorithm", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 24, pp. 874-881, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Demirel K., Yazgan E., Demir S., Akin T., "A New Temperature-Tolerant RF MEMS Switch Structure Design and Fabrication for Ka-Band Applications", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 25, art. no. 7296575, pp. 60-68, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Guler S., Karaosmanoglu B., Ergul O., "Design, simulation, and fabrication of a novel type of inkjet-printed pixel antennas", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, 64, pp. 51-55, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karabulut E.P., Erturk V.B., Alatan L., Karan S., Alisan B., Aksun M.I., "A Novel Approach for the Efficient Computation of 1-D and 2-D Summations", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 64, art. no. 7393519, pp. 1014-1022, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karaosmanoglu B., Altinoklu A., Ergul O., "Numerical constructions of testing functions for improving the accuracy of MFIE and CFIE in multi-frequency applications", Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 51, pp. 63-70, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Karaosmanoglu B., Yilmaz A., Gur U.M., Ergul O., "Solutions of plasmonic structures using the multilevel fast multipole algorithm", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 26, pp. 335-341, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Kocaman S., Sayan G.T., "Comparison of coherently coupled multicavity and quantum dot embedded single cavity systems", Optics Express, 24, pp. 29329-29341, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Onol C., Alkis S., Gokce O., Ergul O., "Multifrequency and multidirection optimizations of antenna arrays using heuristic algorithms and the multilevel fast multipole algorithm", Radio Science, 51, pp. 1094-1108, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Onol C., Karaosmanoglu B., Ergul O., "Efficient and Accurate Electromagnetic Optimizations Based on Approximate Forms of the Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 15, art. no. 7307952, pp. 1113-1115, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Kuzuoglu M., "Implementation of coordinate transformations in periodic finite-element method for modeling rough surface scattering problems", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 26, pp. 322-329, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Kuzuoglu M., "Remesh-Free Shape Optimization by Transformation Optics", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 64, pp. 5479-5482, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Takrimi M., Ergul O., Erturk V.B., "A Novel Broadband Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm with Incomplete-Leaf Tree Structures for Multiscale Electromagnetic Problems", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 64, art. no. 7450622, pp. 2445-2456, 2016. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ustun K., Turhan-Sayan G., "Wideband long wave infrared metamaterial absorbers based on silicon nitride", Journal of Applied Physics, 120, art. no. 203101, 2016. (link)
[Electronics] Aydemir A., Terzioglu Y., Akin T., "A new design and a fabrication approach to realize a high performance three axes capacitive MEMS accelerometer", Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 244, pp. 324-333, 2016. (link)
[Electronics] Branham M.S., Hsu W.-C., Yerci S., Loomis J., Boriskina S.V., Hoard B.R., Han S.E., Ebong A., Chen G., "Empirical Comparison of Random and Periodic Surface Light-Trapping Structures for Ultrathin Silicon Photovoltaics", Advanced Optical Materials, 4, pp. 858-863, 2016. (link)
[Electronics] Chamanian S., Ulusan H., Zorlu O., Kulah H., "Wearable battery-less wireless sensor network with electromagnetic energy harvesting system", Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 249, pp. 77-84, 2016. (link)
[Electronics] Demirel K., Yazgan E., Demir S., Akin T., "A New Temperature-Tolerant RF MEMS Switch Structure Design and Fabrication for Ka-Band Applications", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 25, art. no. 7296575, pp. 60-68, 2016. (link)
[Electronics] Gharehbaghi K., Zorlu O., Kocer F., Kulah H., "Modelling and efficiency optimisation of UHF Dickson rectifiers", IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, 10, pp. 504-513, 2016. (link)
[Electronics] Hsu W.-C., Tong J.K., Branham M.S., Huang Y., Yerci S., Boriskina S.V., Chen G., "Mismatched front and back gratings for optimum light trapping in ultra-thin crystalline silicon solar cells", Optics Communications, 377, pp. 52-58, 2016. (link)
[Electronics] Kose T., Azgin K., Akin T., "Design and fabrication of a high performance resonant MEMS temperature sensor", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 26, art. no. 045012, 2016. (link)
[Energy and Power Systems] Sezgin E., Gol M., Salor O., "State-Estimation-Based Determination of Harmonic Current Contributions of Iron and Steel Plants Supplied from PCC", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 52, art. no. 7390231, pp. 2654-2663, 2016. (link)
[Robotics] Durdu A., Erkmen I., Erkmen A.M., "Estimating and reshaping human intention via human-robot interaction", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 24, pp. 88-104, 2016. (link)
[Robotics] Uyanik I., Saranli U., Morgupsilonl O., Ankarali M.M., "Parametric Identification of Hybrid Linear-Time-Periodic Systems", IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49, pp. 7-12, 2016. (link)
[Robotics] Uyanlk I., Ankarall M.M., Cowan N.J., Saranll U., Morgul O., "Identification of a vertical hopping robot model via harmonic transfer functions", Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 38, pp. 501-511, 2016. (link)
[Signal Processing] Alvar S.R., Kamisli F., "On lossless intra coding in HEVC with 3-tap filters", Signal Processing: Image Communication, 47, pp. 252-262, 2016. (link)
[Signal Processing] Bayramoglu N., Alatan A.A., "Comparison of 3D local and global descriptors for similarity retrieval of range data", Neurocomputing, 184, pp. 13-27, 2016. (link)
[Signal Processing] Coskun O., Candan C., "Design of Maisel sidelobe blankers with a guarantee on the gap to optimality", IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 10, pp. 1619-1626, 2016. (link)
[Signal Processing] Demir O.T., Tuncer T.E., "Antenna Selection and Hybrid Beamforming for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Multi-Group Multicasting Systems", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15, art. no. 7522648, pp. 6948-6962, 2016. (link)
[Signal Processing] Elbir A.M., Tuncer T.E., "2-D DOA and mutual coupling coefficient estimation for arbitrary array structures with single and multiple snapshots", Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 54, pp. 75-86, 2016. (link)
[Signal Processing] Ferreira J.C., Vural E., Guillemot C., "Geometry-Aware Neighborhood Search for Learning Local Models for Image Superresolution", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 25, art. no. 7393577, pp. 1354-1367, 2016. (link)
[Signal Processing] Filik T., Tuncer T.E., "2-D DOA estimation in case of unknown mutual coupling for multipath signals", Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 27, pp. 69-86, 2016. (link)
[Signal Processing] Ispir M., Candan C., "On the design of staggered moving target indicator filters", IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 10, pp. 205-215, 2016. (link)
[Signal Processing] Kamisli F., "A low-complexity image compression approach with single spatial prediction mode and transform", Signal, Image and Video Processing, 10, pp. 1409-1416, 2016. (link)
[Signal Processing] Koc T., Ciloglu T., "Nonlinear interactive source-filter models for speech", Computer Speech and Language, 36, pp. 365-394, 2016. (link)
[Signal Processing] Kumtepe O., Akar G.B., Yuncu E., "Driver aggressiveness detection via multisensory data fusion", Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2016, art. no. 5, pp. 1-16, 2016. (link)
[Signal Processing] Vural E., Guillemot C., "Out-of-Sample Generalizations for Supervised Manifold Learning for Classification", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 25, art. no. 7389390, pp. 1410-1424, 2016. (link)


[Communications]  Baghaee, S., Zubeyde Gurbuz, S., Uysal-Biyikoglu, E. "Implementation of an enhanced target localization and identification algorithm on a magnetic WSN," IEICE Transactions on Communications, E98B (10), pp. 2022-2032, 2015. (link)
[Computer]  Aytekin, C., Rezaeitabar, Y., Dogru, S., Ulusoy, I. "Railway fastener inspection by real-time machine vision," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 45 (7), art. no. 7015636, pp. 1101-1107, 2015. (link)
[Computer]  Eylen, T., Bazlamacci, C.F. "One-Way Active Delay Measurement with Error Bounds," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 64 (12), art. no. 7247690, pp. 3476-3489, 2015. (link)
[Computer]  Kahraman, G., Bilgen, S. "A framework for qualitative assessment of domain-specific languages," Software and Systems Modeling, 14 (4), pp. 1505-1526, 2015. (link)
[Computer]  Ozsarac, S., Akar, G.B. "Atmospheric Effects Removal for the Infrared Image Sequences," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53 (9), art. no. 7080899, pp. 4899-4909, 2015. (link)
[Computer]  Sac, H., Leblebicioglu, K., Bozdagi Akar, G. "2D high-frequency forward-looking sonar simulator based on continuous surfaces approach," Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 23, pp. 2289-2303, 2015. (link)
[Control Theory]  Ardeshiri, T., Granstrom, K., Ozkan, E., Orguner, U. "Greedy reduction algorithms for mixtures of exponential family," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 22 (6), art. no. 6945813, pp. 676-680, 2015. (link)
[Control Theory]  Belde, U., Leblebicioglu, M.K. "A new systematic and exible method for developing hierarchical decision-making models," Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 23 (1), pp. 279-297, 2015. (link)
[Control Theory]  Cakici, F., Ergezer, H., Irmak, U., Leblebicioglu, M.K. "Coordinated guidance for multiple UAVs," Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control Volume 38, Issue 5, 2015, Pages 593-601, 2015. (link)
[Control Theory]  Demirbas, K. "Online state estimation for discrete nonlinear dynamic systems with nonlinear noise and interference," Journal of the Franklin Institute, 352 (1), pp. 216-235, 2015. (link)
[Control Theory]  Ozdogan, G., Leblebicioglu, K. "Frequency response function measurement and parametric SISO system modelling of a gyro-stabilized infrared electro optic gimbal system," Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control Volume 38, Issue 5, 2015, Pages 512-528, 2015. (link)
[Control Theory]  Tuna, S.E. "A dual pair of optimization-based formulations for estimation and control," Automatica, 51, pp. 18-26, 2015. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics]  Ozkan, Z., Hava, A.M. "Classification of grid connected transformerless PV inverters with a focus on the leakage current characteristics and extension of topology families," Journal of Power Electronics, 15 (1), pp. 256-267, 2015. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ercil, E., Alatan, L., Civi, O.A. "An Efficient Numerical Solution Method for Reflectarrays of Varying Element Sizes," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63 (12), art. no. 7296626, pp. 5668-5676, 2015. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Erdil, E., Topalli, K., Esmaeilzad, N.S., Zorlu, O., Kulah, H., Aydin Civi, O. "Reconfigurable nested ring-split ring transmitarray unit cell employing the element rotation method by microfluidics," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63 (3), art. no. 7001241, pp. 1163-1167, 2015. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Gokce, M., Kuzuoglu, M. "Unscented Kalman filter-aided Gaussian sum filter," IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 9 (5), pp. 589-599, 2015. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Karaosmanoglu, B. "Broadband multilevel fast multipole algorithm based on an approximate diagonalization of the green's function," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63 (7), art. no. 7084161, pp. 3035-3041, 2015. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Mahariq, I., Kurt, H., Kuzuoglu, M. "Questioning degree of accuracy offered by the spectral element method in computational electromagnetics," Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 30 (7), pp. 698-705, 2015. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ofluoglu, A.E., Ciftci, T., Ergul, O. "Magnetic-Field Integral Equation [EM Programmer's Notebook]," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 57 (4), art. no. 7275104, pp. 134-142, 2015. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ojaroudi, M., Civi, O.A. "Bandwidth enhancement of small square monopole antenna using self- complementary structure for microwave imaging system applications," Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 30 (12), pp. 1360-1365, 2015. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Oner, B.B., Ustun, K., Kurt, H., Okyay, A.K., Turhan-Sayan, G. "Large bandwidth mode order converter by differential waveguides," Optics Express, 23 (3), pp. 3186-3195, 2015. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ozgun, O., Kuzuoglu, M. "Monte Carlo simulations of Helmholtz scattering from randomly positioned array of scatterers by utilizing coordinate transformations in finite element method," Wave Motion, 56, pp. 165-182, 2015. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Sefidi, M., Zehforoosh, Y., Moradi, S. "A novel CPW-fed antenna with dual band-notched charectrestics for UWB applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 57 (10), pp. 2391-2394, 2015. (link)
[Electronics]  Adiguzel, Y., Kulah, H. "Breath sensors for lung cancer diagnosis," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 65, pp. 121-138, 2015. (link)
[Electronics]  Arslan, Y. , Oguz, F., Besikci, C. "Extended wavelength SWIR InGaAs focal plane array: Characteristics and limitations," Infrared Physics and Technology, 70, pp. 134-137, 2015. (link)
[Electronics]  Bahrieh, G., Ozgur, E., Koyuncuoglu, A., Erdem, M., Gunduz, U., Kulah, H. "Characterization of the distribution of rotational torque on electrorotation chips with 3D electrodes," Electrophoresis, 36 (15), pp. 1785-1794, 2015. (link)
[Electronics]  Bayram, B. "Radiation impedance study of a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer by finite element analysis," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138 (2), pp. 614-623, 2015. (link)
[Electronics]  Demircan, Y., Koyuncuoglu, A., Erdem, M., Ozgur, E., Gunduz, U., Kulah, H. "Label-free detection of multidrug resistance in K562 cells through isolated 3D-electrode dielectrophoresis," Electrophoresis, 36 (9-10), pp. 1149-1157, 2015. (link)
[Electronics]  Demirel, K., Yazgan, E., Demir, S., Akin, T. "Cantilever type radio frequency microelectromechanical systems shunt capacitive switch design and fabrication," Journal of Micro/ Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 14 (3), art. no. 035005, , 2015. (link)
[Electronics]  Maadi, M., Bayram, B. "Custom integrated circuit design for ultrasonic therapeutic CMUT array," Microsystem Technologies, 21 (4), pp. 875-891, 2015. (link)
[Electronics]  Tez, S., Aykutlu, U., Torunbalci, M.M., Akin, T. "A Bulk-Micromachined Three-Axis Capacitive MEMS Accelerometer on a Single Die," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 24 (5), art. no. 7182267, pp. 1264-1274, 2015. (link)
[Electronics]  Torunbalci, M.M., Alper, S.E., Akin, T. "A method for wafer level hermetic packaging of SOI-MEMS devices with embedded vertical feedthroughs using advanced MEMS process," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 25 (12), art. no. 125030, , 2015. (link)
[Electronics]  Torunbalci, M.M., Alper, S.E., Akin, T. "Advanced MEMS process for wafer level hermetic encapsulation of MEMS devices using SOI cap wafers with vertical feedthroughs," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 24 (3), art. no. 7063906, pp. 556-564, 2015. (link)
[Electronics]  Torunbalci, M.M., Alper, S.E., Akin, T. "Wafer level hermetic sealing of MEMS devices with vertical feedthroughs using anodic bonding," Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 224, pp. 169-176, 2015. (link)
[Electronics]  Ulusan, H., Gharehbaghi, K., Zorlu, O., Muhtaroʇlu, A., Kulah, H. "A fully integrated and battery-free interface for low-voltage electromagnetic energy harvesters," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 30 (7), art. no. 6868288, pp. 3712-3719, 2015. (link)
[Multi-Disciplinary]  Baltacioglu, H., Bayindirli, A., Severcan, M., Severcan, F. "Effect of thermal treatment on secondary structure and conformational change of mushroom polyphenol oxidase (PPO) as food quality related enzyme: A FTIR study," Food Chemistry, 187, pp. 263-269, 2015. (link)
[Multi-Disciplinary]  Elibol-Can, B., Simsek-Ozek, N., Severcan, F., Severcan, M., Jakubowska-Dogru, E. "Vitamin A deficiency induces structural and functional alterations in the molecular constituents of the rat hippocampus," British Journal of Nutrition, 113 (1), pp. 45-55, 2015. (link)
[Robotics]  Uyanik, I., Ankarali, M.M., Cowan, N.J., Saranli, U., Morgul, O., Ozbay, H. "Independent Estimation of Input and Measurement Delays for a Hybrid Vertical Spring-Mass-Damper via Harmonic Transfer Functions," IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (12), pp. 298-303, 2015. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Ardeshiri, T., Ozkan, E., Orguner, U., Gustafsson, F. "Approximate Bayesian Smoothing with Unknown Process and Measurement Noise Covariances," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 22 (12), art. no. 7305882, pp. 2450-2454, 2015. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Candan, C. "Fine resolution frequency estimation from three DFT samples: Case of windowed data," Signal Processing, 114, art. no. 5760, pp. 245-250, 2015. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Candan, C., Koc, S. "Direction finding accuracy of sequential lobing under target amplitude fluctuations," IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 9 (1), pp. 92-103, 2015. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Demir, O.T., Tuncer, T.E. "Optimum discrete phase-only multicast beamforming with joint antenna and user selection in cognitive radio networks," Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 46, pp. 81-96, 2015. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Kamisli, F. "Block-based spatial prediction and transforms based on 2D Markov processes for image and video compression," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24 (4), art. no. 7031943, pp. 1247-1260, 2015. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Karasoy, B., Kamisli, F. "Multiview video compression with 1-D transforms," Signal Processing: Image Communication, 33, pp. 14-28, 2015. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Soysal, M., Alatan, A.A. "Joint utilization of local appearance and geometric invariants for 3D object recognition," Multimedia Tools and Applications, 74 (8), pp. 2611-2637, 2015. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Tasli, H.E., Cigla, C., Alatan, A.A. "Convexity constrained efficient superpixel and supervoxel extraction," Signal Processing: Image Communication, 33, pp. 71-85, 2015. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Tugfe Demir, O., Tuncer, T.E. "Optimum discrete transmit beamformer design," Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 36 (C), pp. 57-68, 2015. (link)


[Biomedical]  Top, C.B., Gencer, N.G. "Harmonic motion microwave Doppler imaging: A simulation study using a simple breast model," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 33 (2), art. no. 6617662, pp. 290-300, 2014. (link)
[Communications]  Guvensen, G.M., Tanik, Y., Yilmaz, A.O. "A reduced-state ungerboeck type MAP receiver with bidirectional decision feedback for M-ary quasi orthogonal signaling," IEEE Transactions on Communications, 62 (2), art. no. 6725832, pp. 552-566, 2014. (link)
[Communications]  Sen, P., Yilmaz, A.O. "Factor graph based LMMSE filtering for colored Gaussian processes," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 21 (10), art. no. 6832512, pp. 1206-1210, 2014. (link)
[Computer]  Ayylldlz, N., Schmidt, E.G., Guran, H.C. "S-DIRECT: Scalable and dynamically reconfigurable tcam architecture for high-speed IP lookup," Computer Journal, 58 (6), pp. 1443-1455, 2014. (link)
[Computer]  Celik, C., Bazlamacci, C.F. "Evaluation of energy and buffer aware application mapping for networks-on-chip," Microprocessors and Microsystems, 38 (4), pp. 325-336, 2014. (link)
[Computer]  Dikmen, M., Halici, U. "A learning-based resegmentation method for extraction of buildings in satellite images," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11 (12), art. no. 6819406, pp. 2150-2153, 2014. (link)
[Control Theory]  Aydin, Y.O., Saranli, A., Yazicioglu, Y., Saranli, U., Leblebicioglu, K. "Optimal control of a half-circular compliant legged monopod," Control Engineering Practice, 33, pp. 10-21, 2014. (link)
[Control Theory]  Ergezer, H., Leblebicioglu, K. "3D path planning for multiple UAVs for maximum information collection," Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 73 (1-4), pp. 737-762, 2014. (link)
[Control Theory]  Granstrom, K., Lundquist, C., Gustafsson, F., Orguner, U. "Random set methods: Estimation of multiple extended objects," IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 21 (2), art. no. 6767045, pp. 73-82, 2014. (link)
[Control Theory]  Granstrom, K., Orguner, U. "New prediction for extended targets with random matrices," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 50 (2), art. no. 6850178, pp. 1577-1589, 2014. (link)
[Control Theory]  Sahin, M.A., Leblebicioglu, K. "Approximating the optimal mapping for weapon target assignment by fuzzy reasoning," Information Sciences, 255, pp. 30-44, 2014. (link)
[Control Theory]  Subasi, Y., Demirekler, M. "Quantitative measure of observability for linear stochastic systems," Automatica, 50 (6), pp. 1669-1674, 2014. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics]  Atalik, T., Cadirci, I., Demirci, T., Ermis, M., Inan, T., Kalaycioglu, A.S., Salor, O. "Multipurpose platform for power system monitoring and analysis with sample grid applications," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 63 (3), art. no. 6612635, pp. 566-582, 2014. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics]  Terciyanli, E., Demirci, T., Kucuk, D., Sarac, M., Cadirci, I., Ermis, M. "Enhanced nationwide wind-electric power monitoring and forecast system," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 10 (2), art. no. 6678820, pp. 1171-1184, 2014. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics]  Unsar, O., Salor, O., Cadirci, I., Ermis, M. "Identification of harmonic current contributions of iron and steel plants based on time-synchronized field measurements - Part I: At PCC," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 50 (6), art. no. 6767059, pp. 4336-4347, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Adanir, S., Alatan, L. "Complete and accurate discrete complex image approximation of periodic green's function in layered media," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 62 (8), art. no. 6814317, pp. 4115-4121, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Akinci, G.,Yilmaz, A.E., Kuzuoglu, M. "Excessive memory usage of the ELLPACK sparse matrix storage scheme throughout the finite element computations," Radioengineering, 23 (4), pp. 997-1004, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Bayraktar, O., Civi, O.A. "Circumferential traveling wave slot array on cylindrical substrate integrated waveguide (CSIW)," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 62 (7), art. no. 6784381, pp. 3557-3566, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Cetintepe, C., Demir, S. "Multipath characteristics of frequency diverse arrays over a ground plane," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 62 (7), art. no. 6784328, pp. 3567-3574, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Cetintepe, C., Topalli, E. S., Demir, S., Civi, O. A., Akin, T. "A fabrication process based on structural layer formation using Au–Au thermocompression bonding for RF MEMS capacitive switches and their performance," International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, vol. 6, no. 05, pp. 473-480, October 2014, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Dadashi, K., Kurt, H., ustun, K., Esen, R. "Graded index optical microresonators: Analytical and numerical analyses," Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 31 (9), pp. 2239-2245, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ergul, O., Aksoy, S., Ozakm, M.B. "Open problems in CEM: A new look at the stability analysis of the finite-difference time-domain method," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 56 (1), art. no. 6821801, pp. 293-299, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ergul, O., Feki, S., Al-Jarro, A., Clo, A., Bagci, H. "Open problems in CEM: Porting an explicit time-domain volume-integral- equation solver on GPUs with OpenACC," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 56 (2), art. no. 6837098, pp. 265-277, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ergul, O., Karaosmanoglu, B. "Approximate stable diagonalization of the green's function for low frequencies," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 13, art. no. 6823154, pp. 1054-1056, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ergul, O., Karaosmanoglu, B. "Low-frequency fast multipole method based on multiple-precision arithmetic," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 13, art. no. 6814852, pp. 975-978, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Kuzuoglu, M., Ozgun, O. "Combining perturbation theory and transformation electromagnetics for finite element solution of Helmholtz-type scattering problems," Journal of Computational Physics, 274, pp. 883-897, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Mahariq, I., Kuzuoglu, M., Tarman, I.H. "On the attenuation of the perfectly matched layer in electromagnetic scattering problems with the spectral element method," Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 29 (9), pp. 701-710, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Mahariq, I., Kuzuoglu, M., Tarman, I.H., Kurt, H. "Photonic Nanojet Analysis by Spectral Element Method," IEEE Photonics Journal, 6 (5), art. no. 6802714, , 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Onol, C., Ergul, O. "Optimizations of patch antenna arrays using genetic algorithms supported by the multilevel fast multipole algorithm," Radioengineering, 23 (4), pp. 1005-1014, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ozgun, O., Kuzuoglu, M. "Approximation of transformation media-based reshaping action by genetic optimization," Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 117 (2), pp. 597-604, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ozgun, O., Kuzuoglu, M. "Cartesian grid mapper: Transformation media for modeling arbitrary curved boundaries with cartesian grids," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 13, art. no. 6919994, pp. 1771-1774, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ozgun, O., Kuzuoglu, M. "A coordinate transformation approach for efficient repeated solution of Helmholtz equation pertaining to obstacle scattering by shape deformations," Computer Physics Communications, 185 (6), pp. 1616-1627, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Sabah, C., Turkmen-Kucuksari, O., Turhan-Sayan, G. "Metamaterial absorber-based sensor embedded into X-band waveguide," Electronics Letters, 50 (15), pp. 1074-1076, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Turkmen, O., Turhan-Sayan, G., Ziolkowski, R.W. "Single-, dual-, and triple-band metamaterial-inspired electrically small planar magnetic dipole antennas," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 56 (1), pp. 83-87, 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Yilmaz, A., Karaosmanoglu, B., Ergul, O. "Computational electromagnetic analysis of deformed nanowires using the multilevel fast multipole algorithm," Scientific Reports, 5, art. no. 8469, , 2014. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Yuzer, A.H., Demir, S. "A low-order nonlinear amplifier model with distributed delay terms," Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 22 (4), pp. 1007-1016, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Koydemir, H.C., Kulah, H., Ozgen, C. "Solvent compatibility of parylene c film Layer," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 23 (2), art. no. 6565344, pp. 298-307, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Adiguzel, Y., Kulah, H. "Studies on visual detection and surface modification testing of glass microfiber filter paper based biosensor," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 54, pp. 27-34, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Koydemir, H.C., Kulah, H., Alp, A., Uner, A.H., Hascelik, G., Ozgen, C. "A fully microfabricated electrochemical sensor and its implementation for detection of methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus," IEEE Sensors Journal, 14 (6), art. no. 6736105, pp. 1844-1850, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Arslan, Y. , Oguz, F., Besikci, C. "640×512 Extended Short Wavelength Infrared In0.83Ga0.17As Focal Plane Array," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 50, pp. 957-964, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Bahrieh, G., Erdem, M., Ozgur, E., Gunduz, U., Kulah, H. "Assessment of effects of multi drug resistance on dielectric properties of K562 leukemic cells using electrorotation," RSC Advances, 4 (85), pp. 44879-44887, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Battal, E., Bolat, S., Tanrikulu, M.Y., Okyay, A.K., Akin, T. "Atomic-layer-deposited zinc oxide as tunable uncooled infrared microbolometer material," Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 211 (11), pp. 2475-2482, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Beker, L., Zorlu, O., Kulah, H. "A parylene coating based room temperature wafer-level attachment method for MEMS integration with zero applied force," Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 215, pp. 1-7, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Can, U.I., Bayram, B. "Plasma-activated direct bonding of patterned silicon-on-insulator wafers to diamond-coated wafers under vacuum," Diamond and Related Materials, 47, pp. 53-57, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Chamanian, S., Baghaee, S., Ulusan, H., Zorlu, O., Kulah, H., Uysal-Biyikoglu, E. "Powering-up wireless sensor nodes utilizing rechargeable batteries and an electromagnetic vibration energy harvesting system," Energies, 7 (10), pp. 6323-6339, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Comart, I., Topalli, K., Demir, S., Akin, T. "Microwave characterization of a wafer-level packaging approach for RF MEMS devices using glass frit bonding," IEEE Sensors Journal, 14 (6), art. no. 6748851, pp. 2006-2011, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Musayev, J., Adlguzel, Y., Kulah, H., Eminoglu, S., Akln, T. "Label-free DNA detection using a charge sensitive CMOS microarray sensor chip," IEEE Sensors Journal, 14 (5), art. no. 6719586, pp. 1608-1616, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Musayev, J., Altiner, C., Adiguzel, Y., Kulah, H., Eminoglu, S., Akin, T. "Capturing and detection of MCF-7 breast cancer cells with a CMOS image sensor," Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 215, pp. 105-114, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Sever, R., Askar, M. "A new wave-pipelining methodology: Wave component sampling method," International Journal of Electronics, 101 (5), pp. 585-604, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Sonmez, U., Kulah, H., Akin, T. "A ΣΔ micro accelerometer with 6 µg/√Hz resolution and 130 dB dynamic range," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 81 (2), pp. 471-485, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Sonmezoglu, S., Alper, S.E., Akin, T. "An automatically mode-matched MEMS gyroscope with wide and tunable bandwidth," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 23 (2), art. no. 6737272, pp. 284-297, 2014. (link)
[Electronics]  Torul, H., Ciftci, H., Dudak, F.C., Adiguzel, Y., Kulah, H., Boyaci, I.H., Tamer, U. "Glucose determination based on a two component self-assembled monolayer functionalized surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) probe," Analytical Methods, 6 (14), pp. 5097-5104, 2014. (link)
[Multi-Disciplinary]  Avci, D., Leblebicioglu, M.K., Poyraz, M., Dogantekin, E. "A new method based on adaptive discrete wavelet entropy energy and neural network classifier (ADWEENN) for recognition of urine cells from microscopic images independent of rotation and scaling," Journal of Medical Systems Volume 38, Issue 2, February 2014, Article number 7, 2014. (link)
[Robotics]  Karahan, M., Erkmen, A.M., Erkmen, I. "Prioritized mobile robot exploration based on percolation enhanced entropy based fast SLAM," Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 75 (3-4), pp. 541-567, 2014. (link)
[Robotics]  Ozyer, B., Erkmen, I., Erkmen, A.M. "Momentum transfer from preshape to grasping," Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 75 (2), pp. 173-191, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Candan, C., Inan, H. "A unified framework for derivation and implementation of Savitzky-Golay filters," Signal Processing, 104, pp. 203-211, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Cigla C., Alatan, A.A. "An efficient recursive edge-aware filter," Signal Processing: Image Communication, 29 (9), pp. 998-1014, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Elbir, A.M., Tuncer, T.E. "Far-field DOA estimation and near-field localization for multipath signals," Radio Science, 49 (9), pp. 765-776, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Fritsche, C., Orguner, U., Svensson, L., Gustafsson, F. "The marginal enumeration bayesian cramér-rao bound for jump markov systems," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 21 (4), art. no. 6734718, pp. 464-468, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Guldogan, M.B., Lindgren, D., Gustafsson, F., Habberstad, H., Orguner, U. "Multi-target tracking with PHD filter using Doppler-only measurements," Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 27 (1), pp. 1-11, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Kalkan, Y., Baykal, B. "Multiple target localization & data association for frequency-only widely separated MIMO radar," Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 25 (1), pp. 51-61, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Kalkan, Y., Baykal, B. "Frequency-based target localization methods for widely separated MIMO radar," Radio Science, 49 (1), pp. 53-67, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Kamisli, F. "Recursive prediction for joint spatial and temporal prediction in video coding," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 21 (6), art. no. 6780634, pp. 732-736, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Koc, T., Ciloglu, T. "Automatic segmentation of high speed video images of vocal folds," Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, art. no. 818415, , 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Soysal, M., Logoglu, K.B., Tekin, M., Esen, E., Saracoglu, A., Acar, B.O., Ozan, E.C., Ates, T.K., Sevimli, H., Sevinc, M., Atil, I., Ozkan, S., Arabaci, M.A., Tankiz, S., Karadeniz, T., Onur, D., Selcuk, S., Alatan, A.A., Ciloglu, T. "Multimodal concept detection in broadcast media: KavTan," Multimedia Tools and Applications, 72 (3), pp. 2787-2832, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Orguner, U., Candan, C. "A fine-resolution frequency estimator using an arbitrary number of DFT coefficients," Signal Processing, 105, pp. 17-21, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Ozkalayci, B.O., Alatan, A.A. "3D planar representation of stereo depth images for 3DTV applications," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 23 (12), art. no. 6911967, pp. 5222-5232, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Sener, O., Ugur, K., Alatan, A.A. "Efficient MRF energy propagation for video segmentation via bilateral filters," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 16 (5), art. no. 6856249, pp. 1292-1302, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Sipahigil, O., Ciloglu, T. "Comments on "detection of signals of unknown duration by multiple energy detectors"," Signal Processing, 94 (1), pp. 128-129, 2014. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Turgay, E., Akar, G.B. "Texture and edge preserving multiframe super-resolution," IET Image Processing, 8 (9), pp. 499-508, 2014. (link)


[Biomedical]  Degirmenci, E., Eyuboglu, B.M. "Practical realization of magnetic resonance conductivity tensor imaging (MRCTI)," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 32 (3), art. no. 6376207, pp. 601-608, 2013. (link)
[Biomedical]  Ersoz, A., Eyuboglu, B.M. "Magnetic resonance current density imaging using one component of magnetic flux density," Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 21 (2), pp. 184-196, 2013. (link)
[Biomedical]  Serinagaoglu Dogrusoz, Y., Mazloumi Gavgani, A. "Genetic algorithm-based regularization parameter estimation for the inverse electrocardiography problem using multiple constraints," Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 51 (4), pp. 367-375, 2013. (link)
[Biomedical]  Top, C.B., Gencer, N.G. "Simulation of the scattered field from a vibrating tumor inside the tissue using 3D-FDTD method," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 23 (6), art. no. 6508906, pp. 273-275, 2013. (link)
[Communications]  Aktas, T., Ozgur Yilmaz, A., Aktas, E. "Practical methods for wireless network coding with multiple unicast transmissions," IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61 (3), art. no. 6415950, pp. 1123-1133, 2013. (link)
[Communications]  Erkal, H., Ozcelik, F.M., Uysal-Biyikoglu, E. "Optimal offline broadcast scheduling with an energy harvesting transmitter," Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013 (1), art. no. 197, , 2013. (link)
[Communications]  Guvensen, G.M., Yilmaz, A.O. "A general framework for optimum iterative blockwise equalization of single carrier MIMO systems and asymptotic performance analysis," IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61 (2), art. no. 6457362, pp. 609-619, 2013. (link)
[Communications]  Ozel, O., Uysal-Biyikoglu, E. "Network-wide energy efficiency in wireless networks with multiple access points," Transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies, 24 (6), pp. 568-581, 2013. (link)
[Communications]  Safak, I., Aktas, E., Yilmaz, A.O. "Error rate analysis of GF(q) network coded detect-and-forward wireless relay networks using equivalent relay channel models," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 12 (8), art. no. 6517780, pp. 3908-3919, 2013. (link)
[Communications]  Tekbiyik, N., Girici, T., Uysal-Biyikoglu, E., Leblebicioglu, K. "Proportional fair resource allocation on an energy harvesting downlink," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 12 (4), art. no. 6463487, pp. 1699-1711, 2013. (link)
[Computer]  Aytekin, O., Koc, M., Ulusoy, I. "Local primitive pattern for the classification of SAR images," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 51 (4), art. no. 6298006, pp. 2431-2441, 2013. (link)
[Computer]  Aytekin, O., Zongur, U., Halici, U. "Texture-based airport runway detection," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 10 (3), art. no. 6269052, pp. 471-475, 2013. (link)
[Computer]  Celik, C., Bazlamacci, C.F. "Energy and buffer aware application mapping for networks-on-chip with self similar traffic," Journal of Systems Architecture, 59 (10 PART D), pp. 1364-1374, 2013. (link)
[Computer]  Chouseinoglou, O., Iren, D., Karagoz, N.A., Bilgen, S. "AiOLoS: A model for assessing organizational learning in software development organizations," Information and Software Technology, 55 (11), pp. 1904-1924, 2013. (link)
[Computer]  Ucar, E., Bilgen, S. "A Case-Based Model for Assessing the Effectiveness of Information Systems Outsourcing," Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 15 (3), pp. 27-60, 2013. (link)
[Computer]  Yilmazturk, M.C., Ulusoy, I., Cicekli, N.K. "Online annotation of faces in personal videos by sequential learning," Multimedia Tools and Applications, 63 (3), pp. 591-613, 2013. (link)
[Control Theory]  Ergezer, H., Leblebicioglu, K. "Path planning for UAVs for maximum information collection," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems Volume 49, Issue 1, 2013, Article number 6404117, Pages 502-520, 2013. (link)
[Control Theory]  Granstrom, K., Orguner, U. "On spawning and combination of extended/group targets modeled with random matrices," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61 (3), art. no. 6362263, pp. 678-692, 2013. (link)
[Control Theory]  Lundquist, C., Granstrom, K., Orguner, U. "An extended target CPHD filter and a gamma gaussian inverse wishart implementation," IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 7 (3), art. no. 6451107, pp. 472-483, 2013. (link)
[Control Theory]  ustunturk, A., Kocaoglan, E. "Backstepping designs for the stabilisation of nonlinear sampled-data systems via approximate discrete-time model," International Journal of Control, 86 (5), pp. 893-911, 2013. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics]  Donuk, A., Bilgin, H.F., Ermis, M. "A practical approach to the design of power shunt-reactors with discretely distributed air-gaps," International Review on Modelling and Simulations, 6 (2), pp. 567-576, 2013. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics]  Donuk, A., Ermis, M. "FEA aided design of power shunt-reactors with discretely-distributed air-gaps," International Review of Electrical Engineering, 8 (2), pp. 891-903, 2013. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics]  Hou, C.-C., Shih, C.-C., Cheng, P.-T., Hava, A.M. "Common-mode voltage reduction pulsewidth modulation techniques for three-phase grid-connected converters," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 28 (4), pp. 1971-1979, 2013. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics]  Keysan, O., Ertan, H.B. "Real-time speed and position estimation using rotor slot harmonics," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 9 (2), pp. 899-908, 2013. (link)
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics]  Kucuk, D., Salor, O., Guder, M., Demirci, T., Inan, T., Akkaya, Y., Cadirci, I., Ermis, M. "Assessment of extensive countrywide electrical power quality measurements through a database architecture," Electrical Engineering, 95 (1), pp. 1-19, 2013. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Eker, T., Demir, S., Hizal, A. "Exploitation of linear frequency modulated continuous waveform (LFMCW) for frequency diverse arrays," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 61 (7), art. no. 6509442, pp. 3546-3553, 2013. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ekmekci, E., Turhan-Sayan, G. "Multi-functional metamaterial sensor based on a broad-side coupled SRR topology with a multi-layer substrate," Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 110 (1), pp. 189-197, 2013. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ergul, O., Yla-Oijala, P., Kiminki, S.P., Markkanen, J., Jarvenpaa, S. "Open problems in CEM: Error-controllable and well-conditioned MoM solutions in computational electromagnetics: Ultimate surface integral-equation formulation," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 55 (6), art. no. 6781749, pp. 310-331, 2013. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Ozgun, O., Kuzuoglu, M. "Software metamaterials: Transformation media based multiscale techniques for computational electromagnetics," Journal of Computational Physics, 236 (1), pp. 203-219, 2013. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Sahan, N., Demir, S. "Analysis, design optimization and perfor-mance comparison of bias adapted and asymmetrical doherty power amplifiers," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, (54), pp. 337-356, 2013. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Sahan, N., Demir, S. "Designing an Octave-Bandwidth doherty amplifier using a novel power combination method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, (56), pp. 327-346, 2013. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  ustun, K., Kurt, H. "Efficient and broadband guided wave one-way mode-order conversion with theoretical and numerical analysis," Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 30 (11), pp. 2992-2998, 2013. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Vural, A., Seng, O., Demir, S., Hizal, A. "Height estimation for ballistic platforms using differential measurements," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 49 (4), art. no. 6621843, pp. 2657-2665, 2013. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Yalcin, E.,Yilmaz, A.E., Kuzuoglu, M. "Performance comparison of various hexahedral element quality metrics via parametric distortion of an ideal element," International Journal of Computational Methods, 10 (4), art. no. 1350017, , 2013. (link)
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas]  Yurchenko, V.B., Altintas, A., Ciydem, M., Koc, S. "Experimental conditions for the excitation of thin disk whispering-gallery-mode resonators," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 43, pp. 29-40, 2013. (link)
[Electronics]  Demircan, Y., Ozgur, E., Kulah, H. "Dielectrophoresis: Applications and future outlook in point of care," Electrophoresis, 34 (7), pp. 1008-1027, 2013. (link)
[Electronics]  Arslan, Y., Colakoglu, T., Torunoglu, G., Aktas, O., Besikci, C. "Enhanced performance QWIP FPAs," Infrared Physics and Technology, 59, pp. 108-111, 2013. (link)
[Electronics]  Arslan,Y., Colakoglu, T., Besikci, C. "Diffraction-Grating-Coupled High Quantum Efficiency InP/InGaAs Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector Focal Plane Array," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 49, pp. 186-195, 2013. (link)
[Electronics]  Aydin, O., Akin, T. "A bulk-micromachined fully differential MEMS accelerometer with split interdigitated fingers," IEEE Sensors Journal, 13 (8), art. no. 6518130, pp. 2914-2921, 2013. (link)
[Electronics]  Cetin, A.M., Bayram, B. "Diamond-based capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers in immersion," IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 60 (2), art. no. 6416497, pp. 414-420, 2013. (link)
[Electronics]  Unlu, M., Demir, S., Akin, T. "A 15-40-GHz frequency reconfigurable RF MEMS phase shifter," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 61 (8), art. no. 6562810, pp. 2865-2877, 2013. (link)
[Electronics]  Zorlu, O., Kulah, H. "A MEMS-based energy harvester for generating energy from non-resonant environmental vibrations," Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 202, pp. 124-134, 2013. (link)
[Multi-Disciplinary]  Tulunay, Y., Bock Crosby, N., Tulunay, E., Calders, S., Parnowski, A., Sulic, D. "The COST example for outreach to the general public: I love my Sun," Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 3, art. no. A04, , 2013. (link)
[Robotics]  Cuneyitoglu Ozkul, M., Saranli, A., Yazicioglu, Y. "Acoustic surface perception from naturally occurring step sounds of a dexterous hexapod robot," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 40 (1), pp. 178-193, 2013. (link)
[Robotics]  Gultekin, G.K., Saranli, A. "An FPGA based high performance optical flow hardware design for computer vision applications," Microprocessors and Microsystems, 37 (3), pp. 270-286, 2013. (link)
[Robotics]  Topal, S., Erkmen, I., Erkmen, A.M. "A novel multirobot map fusion strategy for occupancy grid maps," Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 21 (1), pp. 107-119, 2013. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Aksoy, T., Engin Tuncer, T. "Sectorized approach and measurement reduction for mutual coupling calibration of non-omnidirectional antenna arrays," Radio Science, 48 (2), pp. 102-110, 2013. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Candan, C. "Analysis and further improvement of fine resolution frequency estimation method from three DFT samples," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20 (9), art. no. 6562749, pp. 913-916, 2013. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Candan, C. "An upper bound on the capacity loss due to imprecise channel state information for general memoryless fading channels," IEEE Communications Letters, 17 (7), art. no. 6530817, pp. 1348-1351, 2013. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Candan, C. "A low complexity two-stage target detection scheme for resource limited radar systems," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 49 (1), art. no. 6404122, pp. 594-601, 2013. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Candan, C. "Capacity of zero-outage scheme under imprecise channel state information," IEEE Communications Letters, 17 (1), art. no. 6374730, pp. 127-130, 2013. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Candan, C., Orguner, U. "The moment function for the ratio of correlated generalized gamma variables," Statistics and Probability Letters, 83 (10), pp. 2353-2356, 2013. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Cigla, C., Alatan, A.A. "Information permeability for stereo matching," Signal Processing: Image Communication, 28 (9), pp. 1072-1088, 2013. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Elbir, A.M., Tuncer, T.E. "Calibration of antenna arrays for aeronautical vehicles on ground," Aerospace Science and Technology, 30 (1), pp. 18-25, 2013. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Emrah Tasli, H., Aydin Alatan, A. "User assisted disparity remapping for stereo images," Signal Processing: Image Communication, 28 (10), pp. 1374-1389, 2013. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Gedik, O.S., Alatan, A.A. "3-D rigid body tracking using vision and depth sensors," IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 43 (5), pp. 1395-1405, 2013. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Kalkan, Y., Baykal, B. "An initial data association method for frequency-based systems," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, 3 (3), pp. 185-190, 2013. (link)
[Signal Processing]  Kamisli, F. "Intra prediction based on markov process modeling of images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22 (10), art. no. 6518142, pp. 3916-3925, 2013. (link)
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03/03/2025 - 17:30