Synchronous Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor & Conductivity Visualization
Synchronous magnetic resonance diffusion tensor and conductivity visualization
Project Coordinator: Prof. Murat Eyüboğlu
Synchronous magnetic resonance diffusion tensor and conductivity visualization
Project Coordinator: Prof. Murat Eyüboğlu
METU Team applying Deep Learning for ISBI Challenge on Cancer Metastasis Detection in Lymph Node has ranked in
9th in CAMELYON17, (
4th in CAMELYON16, (
2017 METU VISION Team members:
Uğur HALICI, Professor, METU Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. & Neuroscience and Neurotechnology Program
MEMS Fiber Optic Microphone
Project Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Barış Bayram (ULTRAMEMS team)
Prof. Mübeccel Demirekler and RA Selim Özgen have received Best Paper Award in 39th edition of the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence with their paper "A Fast Elimination Method for Pruning in POMDPs".
Project Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Selçuk Yerci
Project Duration: 24 months
Project Start Date: Jan. 2016
Funded Personnel: Project will be conducted by 1 Ph.D. and 2 M.S. students
Prof. Çağatay Candan has received prestigious 2015 TUBITAK Encouragement award for his contributions in the area of signal processing, specifically in transformations and statistical signal processing.