Most Cited Recent Journal Papers (2017-2023)

Tüm Güncel Yayınların Listesini Görmek İçin Tıklayınız

[Computer] Bejnordi B.E., Veta M., Van Diest P.J., Van Ginneken B., Karssemeijer N., Litjens G., Van Der Laak J.A.W.M., Hermsen M., Manson Q.F., Balkenhol M., Geessink O., Stathonikos N., Van Dijk M.C.R.F., Bult P., Beca F., Beck A.H., Wang D., Khosla A., Gargeya R., Irshad H., Zhong A., Dou Q., Li Q., Chen H., Lin H.-J., Heng P.-A., Hass C., Bruni E., Wong Q., Halici U., Oner M.U., Cetin-Atalay R., Berseth M., Khvatkov V., Vylegzhanin A., Kraus O., Shaban M., Rajpoot N., Awan R., Sirinukunwattana K., Qaiser T., Tsang Y.-W., Tellez D., Annuscheit J., Hufnagl P., Valkonen M., Kartasalo K., Latonen L., Ruusuvuori P., Liimatainen K., Albarqouni S., Mungal B., George A., Demirci S., Navab N., Watanabe S., Seno S., Takenaka Y., Matsuda H., Phoulady H.A., Kovalev V., Kalinovsky A., Liauchuk V., Bueno G., Fernandez-Carrobles M.M., Serrano I., Deniz O., Racoceanu D., Venancio R., "Diagnostic assessment of deep learning algorithms for detection of lymph node metastases in women with breast cancer", JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 318, pp. 2199-2210, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 2280
[Computer] Tabar Y.R., Halici U., "A novel deep learning approach for classification of EEG motor imagery signals", Journal of Neural Engineering, 14, art. no. 016003, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 733
[Communications] Sun Y., Uysal-Biyikoglu E., Yates R.D., Koksal C.E., Shroff N.B., "Update or Wait: How to Keep Your Data Fresh", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 63, art. no. 8000687, pp. 7492-7508, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 659
[Signal Processing] Kavur A.E., Gezer N.S., Baris M., Aslan S., Conze P.-H., Groza V., Pham D.D., Chatterjee S., Ernst P., Ozkan S., Baydar B., Lachinov D., Han S., Pauli J., Isensee F., Perkonigg M., Sathish R., Rajan R., Sheet D., Dovletov G., Speck O., Nurnberger A., Maier-Hein K.H., Bozdagi Akar G., Unal G., Dicle O., Selver M.A., "CHAOS Challenge - combined (CT-MR) healthy abdominal organ segmentation", Medical Image Analysis, 69, art. no. 101950, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 465
[Communications] Kadota I., Sinha A., Uysal-Biyikoglu E., Singh R., Modiano E., "Scheduling policies for minimizing age of information in broadcast wireless networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 26, art. no. 8514816, pp. 2637-2650, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 421
[Computer] Algan G., Ulusoy I., "Image classification with deep learning in the presence of noisy labels: A survey", Knowledge-Based Systems, 215, art. no. 106771, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 232
[Communications] Ceran E.T., Gunduz D., Gyorgy A., "Average age of information with hybrid ARQ under a resource constraint", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 18, art. no. 8648525, pp. 1900-1913, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 182
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Saeed S.M., Balanis C.A., Birtcher C.R., Durgun A.C., Shaman H.N., "Wearable Flexible Reconfigurable Antenna Integrated with Artificial Magnetic Conductor", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16, art. no. 7959574, pp. 2396-2399, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 181
[Signal Processing] Ozkan S., Kaya B., Akar G.B., "EndNet: Sparse AutoEncoder Network for Endmember Extraction and Hyperspectral Unmixing", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57, art. no. 8429926, pp. 482-496, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 164
[Communications] Sun Y., Polyanskiy Y., Uysal E., "Sampling of the Wiener Process for Remote Estimation over a Channel with Random Delay", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 66, art. no. 8812616, pp. 1118-1135, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 145
[Electronics] Ansari M.A., Kim I., Lee D., Waseem M.H., Zubair M., Mahmood N., Badloe T., Yerci S., Tauqeer T., Mehmood M.Q., Rho J., "A Spin-Encoded All-Dielectric Metahologram for Visible Light", Laser and Photonics Reviews, 13, art. no. 1900065, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 135
[Signal Processing] Gundogdu E., Alatan A.A., "Good Features to Correlate for Visual Tracking", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27, pp. 2526-2540, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 120
[Energy and Power Systems] Firuzi K., Vakilian M., Phung B.T., Blackburn T.R., "Partial Discharges Pattern Recognition of Transformer Defect Model by LBP & HOG Features", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 34, art. no. 8477152, pp. 542-550, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 112
[Communications] Uysal E., Kaya O., Ephremides A., Gross J., Codreanu M., Popovski P., Assaad M., Liva G., Munari A., Soret B., Soleymani T., Johansson K.H., "Semantic Communications in Networked Systems: A Data Significance Perspective", IEEE Network, 36, pp. 233-240, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 109
[Communications] Devassy R., Durisi G., Ferrante G.C., Simeone O., Uysal E., "Reliable Transmission of Short Packets Through Queues and Noisy Channels Under Latency and Peak-Age Violation Guarantees", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 37, art. no. 8640078, pp. 721-734, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 102
[Communications] Yavascan O.T., Uysal E., "Analysis of Slotted ALOHA with an Age Threshold", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 39, art. no. 9377549, pp. 1456-1470, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 96
[Electronics] Ansari M.A., Kim I., Rukhlenko I.D., Zubair M., Yerci S., Tauqeer T., Mehmood M.Q., Rho J., "Engineering spin and antiferromagnetic resonances to realize an efficient direction-multiplexed visible meta-hologram", Nanoscale Horizons, 5, pp. 57-64, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 78
[Electronics] Kartopu G., Oklobia O., Turkay D., Diercks D.R., Gorman B.P., Barrioz V., Campbell S., Major J.D., Al Turkestani M.K., Yerci S., Barnes T.M., Beattie N.S., Zoppi G., Jones S., Irvine S.J.C., "Study of thin film poly-crystalline CdTe solar cells presenting high acceptor concentrations achieved by in-situ arsenic doping", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 194, pp. 259-267, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 77
[Energy and Power Systems] Cetinay H., Kuipers F.A., Guven A.N., "Optimal siting and sizing of wind farms", Renewable Energy, 101, pp. 51-58, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 76
[Signal Processing] Kavur A.E., Gezer N.S., Baris M., Sahin Y., Ozkan S., Baydar B., Yuksel U., Kilikcier C., Olut S., Akar G.B., Unal G., Dicle O., Selver M.A., "Comparison of semi-automatic and deep learning-based automatic methods for liver segmentation in living liver transplant donors", Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, 26, pp. 11-21, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 65
[Communications] Ceran E.T., Gunduz D., Gyorgy A., "A reinforcement learning approach to age of information in multi-user networks with HARQ", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 39, art. no. 9376717, pp. 1412-1426, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 64
[Signal Processing] Irmak H., Akar G.B., Yuksel S.E., "A MAP-Based Approach for Hyperspectral Imagery Super-Resolution", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27, pp. 2942-2951, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 63
[Control Theory] Al-Jhayyish A.M.H., Schmidt K.W., "Feedforward Strategies for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Heterogeneous Vehicle Strings", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19, art. no. 8168369, pp. 113-122, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 62
[Biomedical] Cevik A., Weber G.-W., Eyuboglu B.M., Oguz K.K., "Voxel-MARS: a method for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease by classification of structural brain MRI", Annals of Operations Research, 258, pp. 31-57, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 60
[Control Theory] Tuncer B., Ozkan E., "Random matrix based extended target tracking with orientation: A new model and inference", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 69, art. no. 9374715, pp. 1910-1923, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 58
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Temiz M., Alsusa E., Baidas M.W., "A Dual-Functional Massive MIMO OFDM Communication and Radar Transmitter Architecture", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69, art. no. 9226446, pp. 14974-14988, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 56
[Communications] Bacinoglu B.T., Sun Y., Uysal E., Mutlu V., "Optimal status updating with a finite-battery energy harvesting source", Journal of Communications and Networks, 21, art. no. 8764471, pp. 280-294, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 55
[Electronics] Kartopu G., Turkay D., Ozcan C., Hadibrata W., Aurang P., Yerci S., Unalan H.E., Barrioz V., Qu Y., Bowen L., Gurlek A.K., Maiello P., Turan R., Irvine S.J.C., "Photovoltaic performance of CdS/CdTe junctions on ZnO nanorod arrays", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 176, pp. 100-108, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 54
[Electronics] Chamanian S., Baghaee S., Ulusan H., Zorlu O., Uysal-Biyikoglu E., Kulah H., "Implementation of Energy-Neutral Operation on Vibration Energy Harvesting WSN", IEEE Sensors Journal, 19, art. no. 8601304, pp. 3092-3099, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 53
[Control Theory] Tuna S.E., "Synchronization of harmonic oscillators under restorative coupling with applications in electrical networks", Automatica, 75, pp. 236-243, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 51
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Mohammadi P., Mohammadi A., Demir S., Kara A., "Compact Size, and Highly Sensitive, Microwave Sensor for Non-Invasive Measurement of Blood Glucose Level", IEEE Sensors Journal, 21, art. no. 9416454, pp. 16033-16042, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 51
[Signal Processing] Isil C., Oktem F.S., Koc A., "Deep iterative reconstruction for phase retrieval", Applied Optics, 58, pp. 5422-5431, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 49
[Robotics] Tytell E.D., Carr J.A., Danos N., Wagenbach C., Sullivan C.M., Kiemel T., Cowan N.J., Ankarali M.M., "Body stiffness and damping depend sensitively on the timing of muscle activation in lampreys", Integrative and comparative biology, 58, pp. 860-873, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 47
[Electronics] Chamanian S., Ciftci B., Ulusan H., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "Power-Efficient Hybrid Energy Harvesting System for Harnessing Ambient Vibrations", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 66, art. no. 8667860, pp. 2784-2793, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 44
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Yesilyurt O., Turhan-Sayan G., "Metasurface Lens for Ultra-Wideband Planar Antenna", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 68, art. no. 8839696, pp. 719-726, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 42
[Electronics] Ilik B., Koyuncuoglu A., Sardan-Sukas O., Kulah H., "Thin film piezoelectric acoustic transducer for fully implantable cochlear implants", Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 280, pp. 38-46, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 42
[Electronics] Chamanian S., Ulusan H., Koyuncuoglu A., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "An Adaptable Interface Circuit with Multistage Energy Extraction for Low-Power Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting MEMS", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34, art. no. 8385111, pp. 2739-2747, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 41
[Communications] Saritas S., Yuksel S., Gezici S., "Quadratic multi-dimensional signaling games and affine equilibria", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62, art. no. 7487024, pp. 605-619, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 40
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Temiz M., Alsusa E., Baidas M.W., "Optimized Precoders for Massive MIMO OFDM Dual Radar-Communication Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 69, art. no. 9385108, pp. 4781-4794, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 40
[Robotics] Gul O.M., Erkmen A.M., Kantarci B., "UAV-Driven Sustainable and Quality-Aware Data Collection in Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9, pp. 25150-25164, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 40
[Signal Processing] Pilanci M., Vural E., "Domain Adaptation on Graphs by Learning Aligned Graph Bases", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34, pp. 587-600, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 40
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ozgun O., Sahin V., Erguden M.E., Apaydin G., Yilmaz A.E., Kuzuoglu M., Sevgi L., "PETOOL v2.0: Parabolic Equation Toolbox with evaporation duct models and real environment data", Computer Physics Communications, 256, art. no. 107454, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 39
[Signal Processing] Dino I.G., Sari A.E., Iseri O.K., Akin S., Kalfaoglu E., Erdogan B., Kalkan S., Alatan A.A., "Image-based construction of building energy models using computer vision", Automation in Construction, 116, art. no. 103231, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 39
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Temiz M., Alsusa E., Baidas M.W., "A Dual-Function Massive MIMO Uplink OFDM Communication and Radar Architecture", IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 8, pp. 750-762, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 38
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Torun H.M., Durgun A.C., Aygun K., Swaminathan M., "Causal and passive parameterization of s-parameters using neural networks", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 68, art. no. 9165948, pp. 4290-4304, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 38
[Energy and Power Systems] Firuzi K., Vakilian M., Darabad V.P., Phung B.T., Blackburn T.R., "A novel method for differentiating and clustering multiple partial discharge sources using S transform and bag of words feature", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 24, pp. 3694-3702, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 35
[Communications] Esfahanizadeh H., Hareedy A., Dolecek L., "Finite-length construction of high performance spatially-coupled codes via optimized partitioning and lifting", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67, art. no. 8449217, pp. 3-16, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 34
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ustun K., Turhan-Sayan G., "Ultra-broadband long-wavelength infrared metamaterial absorber based on a double-layer metasurface structure", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 34, pp. 456-462, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 34
[Electronics] Uzgur F., Kocaman S., "Barrier engineering for HgCdTe unipolar detectors on alternative substrates", Infrared Physics and Technology, 97, pp. 123-128, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 34
[Electronics] Tevlek A., Kecili S., Ozcelik O.S., Kulah H., Tekin H.C., "Spheroid Engineering in Microfluidic Devices", ACS Omega, 8, pp. 3630-3649, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 33
[Electronics] Caglayan Z., Yalcin Y.D., Kulah H., "A prominent cell manipulation technique in biomems: Dielectrophoresis", Micromachines, 11, art. no. 990, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 32
[Electronics] Ciftci B., Chamanian S., Koyuncuoglu A., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "A Low-Profile Autonomous Interface Circuit for Piezoelectric Micro-Power Generators", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 68, art. no. 9343283, pp. 1458-1471, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 32
[Electronics] Chamanian S., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "A self-adapting synchronized-switch interface circuit for piezoelectric energy harvesters", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35, art. no. 8705391, pp. 901-912, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 30
[Control Theory] Tuna S.E., "Observability through a matrix-weighted graph", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63, pp. 2061-2074, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 29
[Control Theory] Tuna S.E., "Synchronization of small oscillations", Automatica, 107, pp. 154-161, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 29
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Mohammadi P., Teimouri H., Mohammadi A., Demir S., Kara A., "Dual Band, Miniaturized Permittivity Measurement Sensor with Negative-Order SIW Resonator", IEEE Sensors Journal, 21, pp. 22695-22702, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 29
[Electronics] Hadibrata W., Es F., Yerci S., Turan R., "Ultrathin Si solar cell with nanostructured light trapping by metal assisted etching", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 180, pp. 247-252, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 29
[Robotics] Uyanik I., Saranli U., Ankarali M.M., Cowan N.J., Morgul O., "Frequency-Domain Subspace Identification of Linear Time-Periodic (LTP) Systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64, art. no. 8447499, pp. 2529-2536, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 29
[Signal Processing] Kar O.U.F., Oktem F.S., "Compressive spectral imaging with diffractive lenses", Optics Letters, 44, pp. 4582-4585, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 29
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Sahin I., Keysan O., "Model Predictive Controller Utilized as an Observer for Inter-Turn Short Circuit Detection in Induction Motors", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 36, art. no. 9310277, pp. 1449-1458, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 28
[Control Theory] Tuncer B., Orguner U., Ozkan E., "Multi-Ellipsoidal Extended Target Tracking With Variational Bayes Inference", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 70, pp. 3921-3934, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 27
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] Mueller M.A., Burchell J., Chong Y.C., Keysan O., McDonald A., Galbraith M., Echenique Subiabre E.J.P., "Improving the thermal performance of rotary and linear air-cored permanent magnet machines for direct drive wind and wave energy applications", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 34, art. no. 8534445, pp. 773-781, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 27
[Electronics] Koc M., Soltanpoor W., Bektas G., Bolink H.J., Yerci S., "Guideline for Optical Optimization of Planar Perovskite Solar Cells", Advanced Optical Materials, 7, art. no. 1900944, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 27
[Robotics] Gul O.M., Erkmen A.M., "Energy-efficient cluster-based data collection by a uav with a limited-capacity battery in robotic wireless sensor networks", Sensors (Switzerland), 20, art. no. 5865, pp. 1-35, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 27
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Kaplan O., Temiz M., "A novel method based on Weibull distribution for short-term wind speed prediction", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42, pp. 17793-17800, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 26
[Electronics] Govdeli A., Sarihan M.C., Karaca U., Kocaman S., "Integrated Optical Modulator Based on Transition between Photonic Bands", Scientific Reports, 8, art. no. 1619, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 26
[Electronics] Soltanpoor W., Dreessen C., Sahiner M.C., Susic I., Afshord A.Z., Chirvony V.S., Boix P.P., Gunbas G., Yerci S., Bolink H.J., "Hybrid Vapor-Solution Sequentially Deposited Mixed-Halide Perovskite Solar Cells", ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3, pp. 8257-8265, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 26
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Temiz M., Alsusa E., Danoon L., Zhang Y., "On the Impact of Antenna Array Geometry on Indoor Wideband Massive MIMO Networks", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 69, art. no. 9142324, pp. 406-416, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 25
[Biomedical] Onak O.N., Dogrusoz Y.S., Weber G.W., "Evaluation of multivariate adaptive non-parametric reduced-order model for solving the inverse electrocardiography problem: a simulation study", Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 57, pp. 967-993, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 23
[Communications] Ahmetoglu M., Yavascan O.T., Uysal E., "MiSTA: An Age-Optimized Slotted ALOHA Protocol", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9, pp. 15484-15496, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 23
[Communications] Nakiboglu B., "The Rényi capacity and center", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 65, art. no. 8423117, pp. 841-860, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 23
[Communications] Yalcin A.Z., Yuksel M., Clerckx B., "Rate Splitting for Multi-Group Multicasting with a Common Message", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69, art. no. 9130871, pp. 12281-12285, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 23
[Electronics] Ulusan H., Chamanian S., Pathirana W.P.M.R., Zorlu O., Muhtaroglu A., Kulah H., "A triple hybrid micropower generator with simultaneous multi-mode energy harvesting", Smart Materials and Structures, 27, art. no. 014002, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 23
[Signal Processing] Erdemir E., Tuncer T.E., "Path planning for mobile-anchor based wireless sensor network localization: Static and dynamic schemes", Ad Hoc Networks, 77, pp. 1-10, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 23
[Communications] Saritas S., Yuksel S., Gezici S., "Dynamic signaling games with quadratic criteria under Nash and Stackelberg equilibria", Automatica, 115, art. no. 108883, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 22
[Control Theory] Kumru M., Ozkan E., "Three-Dimensional Extended Object Tracking and Shape Learning Using Gaussian Processes", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 57, pp. 2795-2814, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 22
[Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas] Ustun K., Turhan-Sayan G., "Broadband LWIR and MWIR metamaterial absorbers with a simple design topology: Almost perfect absorption and super-octave band operation in MWIR band", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 34, pp. D86-D94, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 22
[Electronics] Bounik R., Cardes F., Ulusan H., Modena M.M., Hierlemann A., "Impedance Imaging of Cells and Tissues: Design and Applications", BME Frontiers, 2022, art. no. 9857485, 2022. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 22
[Signal Processing] Bayram E., Frossard P., Vural E., Alatan A., "Analysis of airborne LiDAR point clouds with spectral graph filtering", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15, pp. 1284-1288, 2018. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 22
[Control Theory] Kumru M., Koksal H., Ozkan E., "Variational Measurement Update for Extended Object Tracking Using Gaussian Processes", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 28, art. no. 9357970, pp. 538-542, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 21
[Electrical Machinery, Motor Drives, and Power Electronics] El-Dalahmeh M., Al-Greer M., Bashir I., El-Dalahmeh M., Demirel A., Keysan O., "Autonomous fault detection and diagnosis for permanent magnet synchronous motors using combined variational mode decomposition, the Hilbert-Huang transform, and a convolutional neural network", Computers and Electrical Engineering, 110, art. no. 108894, 2023. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 21
[Electronics] Cetin D., Okan M., Bat E., Kulah H., "A comparative study on EpCAM antibody immobilization on gold surfaces and microfluidic channels for the detection of circulating tumor cells", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 188, art. no. 110808, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 21
[Electronics] Gunes U., Bag Celik E., Akgul C.C., Koc M., Ameri M., Uzuner B.E., Ghasemi M., Sahiner M.C., Yildiz I., Kaya H.Z., Yerci S., Gunbas G., "A Thienothiophene-Based Cation Treatment Allows Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells with Improved Efficiency and Stability", Advanced Functional Materials, 31, art. no. 2103130, 2021. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 21
[Computer] Toksoz M.A., Ulusoy I., "Hyperspectral Image Classification via Kernel Basic Thresholding Classifier", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55, art. no. 7592435, pp. 715-728, 2017. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 20
[Control Theory] Al-Dahhan M.R.H., Schmidt K.W., "Voronoi Boundary Visibility for Efficient Path Planning", IEEE Access, 8, art. no. 9145546, pp. 134764-134781, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 20
[Energy and Power Systems] Yilmaz U.C., Sezgin M.E., Gol M., "A Model Predictive Control for Microgrids Considering Battery Aging", Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 8, art. no. 9042931, pp. 296-304, 2020. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 20
[Signal Processing] Ornek C., Vural E., "Nonlinear supervised dimensionality reduction via smooth regular embeddings", Pattern Recognition, 87, pp. 55-66, 2019. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 20

* Number of citations data is updated on February 21, 2025


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