Summer Practice




NEW! SGK insurance application available now: The OCW system for applying for the SGK insurances is now activated. Please read the instructions below carefully before applying for your SGK insurance.

NEW! Summer internship contracts: If you need your SP work contract (staj sözlesmesi) to be signed, please leave it to the photocopy room D-120 and get it back in one week.

SP meeting 2024: A general meeting on the EE 300 - EE 400 summer internship courses and the SP procedures has been held on February 26, 2024. The slides of the meeting can be found here. In case you have any queries related to the summer practice procedures, we kindly ask you to first go through the meeting slides and our SP webpage carefully, and send an email only if you cannot find the answer of your question there.


Important information for students who will do their SP this summer:: 

- Summer internships must be done by physically attending the work place.

- Research internships are allowed if abroad. Research internships can be done in Turkey only if the internship institution is not affiliated with METU. In particular, internships conducted at the following locations cannot be presented for the EE300/400 courses:

a. METU EEE-STAR internships

b. Internships done at research centers affiliated with METU (e.g. ODTÜ-ROMER)

c. Internships done at research centers that used to be affiliated with METU but have gained special status via law no. 6550 (e.g. ODTÜ-GÜNAM and ODTÜ-MEMS)

Internships done at research centers outside this scope (e.g. TUBITAK UZAY) can be presented for EE300/400, even if the place of the internship is in the METU campus.


Important reminder about EE300/EE400 prerequisites: Please remember that the OHS101 and OHS301 courses are prerequisites for the EE300 and EE400 courses. This means that you need to proceed in the following order: First take the OHS101 and OHS301 courses, then do your SP in the summer/winter break once you passed both of these courses, and finally take the EE300/EE400 course in the semester that follows your SP. Note that students who have done their SP but cannot get registered to EE300/EE400 because they have not taken OHS301 will need to repeat their SP.


Internships in public institutions: All public institutions in Turkey (kamu kurumlari) accept internship applications through a centralized system. Please consult this page for further information.  


SGK Insurance Application System 

The insurance application module in the OCW system is now open. All 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year students are registered to the “EE300/400 Summer Internship” course by default. Please note the following:

1. The “EE300/400 Summer Internship” OCW course is created only for the practical purpose of collecting the insurance application information of students. This is not a real “course”. Note that when your internship is over, you still need to get registered to the EE300 or EE400 courses in the Fall semester (or summer school if you are planning to).

2. If you are not planning to do a SP this year, just ignore all the instructions below. You do not have to do anything about the OCW system. 

Students who will do a SP this summer should carefully read the information below about “When to apply” and “How to apply” for the SGK insurance.


When to apply for the SGK insurance

The ideal moment to apply for the insurance using the OCW system is 2-3 weeks before the beginning of your internship. To make the procedure work efficiently, let us follow these ground rules:

1. On the Monday morning of each week, the insurance applications of students beginning their internships within two weeks will be sent to Rektörlük. For example, the list sent on July 1, Monday covers the students with SP beginning dates between July 2 - July 12. 

2. For your SGK document to be issued smoothly and on time, you should leave a safety margin of 1 whole week (Monday to Friday) between your application and the beginning of your SP. For example, if your internship begins in the week of July 15-19, then the ideal moment to apply for the insurance is within the week July 1-5, so that your application is sent to Rektörlük on Monday July 8 and your document is issued on time. 

3. Please do not apply for the insurance too early (for instance, don’t apply 2 months before!). This is for two reasons:

a. Even if you apply early, Rektörlük does not process insurance applications that start in more than two weeks. 

b. There may often be changes in the SP plans of students, such as modifications in the SP beginning dates, cancellation of the SPs, etc. If you have already sent an application, this causes extra work for everyone.

4. Please do not apply for the insurance too late, neither (for instance, don’t apply 5 days before your internship starts!) This is very likely to lead to delays in the preparation of your SGK document and causes extra work for everyone. Remember that the ideal time to apply is 2-3 weeks before the beginning of your SP. Please see also rule 1 above to see when your application will be processed.


How to apply for the SGK insurance


1. First, make sure that you already read the section “When to apply for the SGK insurance” above.

2. To apply for the insurance, first login to with your usual student account. You should normally be already registered the EE 300/400 course, which you should be able to see under “My courses”. If you fail to see EE 300/400, please send an email to the SP coordinator (velif-at-metu-edu-tr). 

3. Click on EE 300/400 and you will see a list named “Required Information” in the course menu.

4. Click on “SGK Insurance Application”, which takes you to a questionnaire where you must enter your identity and company information. Do not forget to click on “Submit Questionnaire” when you finish.

5. If you have successfully completed all these steps, then your application is done. You will not receive any notification or confirmation when your application is sent to Rektörlük, and you will still be able to view your application on the OCW system. This is normal since we use the “questionnaire” structure to collect your data and answers remain accessible.

6. Your SGK insurance document will be available on e-devlet typically 2-3 workdays before the beginning of your SP. You can access your document on e-devlet by following these steps: First, login to . Type "işe giriş" in the search field. Select "4A İşe Giriş Çıkış Bildirgesi(Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu)" among the search results. Find the line corresponding to your current SP and access your SGK document by clicking on "Belge oluştur". Note that we do not send you your SGK document by email, as it is available on e-devlet.


Emergency applications: If for some reason your internship starts soon (there are no Mondays between the current date and your SP beginning date) and you were not able to apply to the OCW system on time, please fill in the excel file provided here with your internship information in soft format. Email the document to velif-at-metu-edu-tr with the subject line 

SGK basvurusu: Name Surname

providing your name and the day and month of the beginning date of your SP.  Remember that you are normally supposed to use the OCW platform and you should not resort to this emergency solution unless you have a very valid reason (which you may keep to yourself).


If something goes wrong...

1. What to do if you notice you made a mistake in your “SGK Insurance Application” questionnaire:

a. Calculate if your application has already been sent to Rektörlük or not: Simply check rule 1 in “When to apply” above. 

b. If your application has not been sent to Rektörlük yet: Enter a new questionnaire with the correct information. Please do not contact us. The most recently filled version of the questionnaire will be taken into consideration and the older versions will be ignored. 

c. If your application has already been sent to Rektörlük: Contact the SP commitee (velif-at-metu-edu-tr)

2. What to do if your internship is cancelled: Contact the SP coordinator (velif-at-metu-edu-tr)

3. What to do if your internship is approaching and your SGK document is not ready yet: Rektörlük issues SGK documents typically 2-3 workdays before the beginning of the SP, and they become immediately available on e-devlet. If there are still at least 2 workdays until your SP beginning date, this is normal, please wait. If your SP begins the next workday and your SGK document is still not accessible, contact the SP coordinator in the morning (e.g. contact on Friday morning if your internship begins on Monday)

4. If you have a second internship to do this summer: Please follow the same procedure to form a new SGK application using OCW. However, please make sure to send your second application once the SGK document of your first internship is already issued (so that your second application does not overwrite the first one). In order to avoid any trouble with the SGK insurance, Rektörlük recommends to leave at least one blank day between two SPs. 


Instructions for Paid Summer Practices

If you did your SP in a private company in Turkey and you received payment during your SP, you need to do the following as soon as you finish your SP and you have received all of your payments. (If you did not receive any payment during your SP, or if you did your SP in a public institution "kamu kurumu", please ignore this section and do not do anything.)

1. Login to with your usual student account.

2. Fill in the "Paid SP form questionnaire" under the EE300/400 course. Please fill in all entries carefully. Incomplete submissions with missing entries are immediately rejected by Rektörlük. You may contact the HR department of the company in order to obtain the information regarding the company. If you notice that you made a mistake when filling in the form, you can submit a new one and the latest submission will be taken into account.

3. Download, print, and sign the Paid Summer Practice Form. Upload the scanned copy of the signed form (in pdf format) under the assignment "İşsizlik Fonu Katkısı Bilgi Formu (Paid SP Form)". 

4. Upload the bank receipt (in pdf format) showing that you received payment from the company under the assignment "Stajda ücret ödendiğine dair banka dekontu (Bank receipt for paid SPs)".


Other information

Internship documents: Download (pdf).

Unemployment fund contribution information form: Download (doc).

Research internship evaluation form: Download (word) (pdf).

Lifelong learning evaluation form: Download (Turkish) (English)

Summer Practice process (available in Turkish only, please visit here for information in English)

Internship booklet files (including internship evaluation forms) in soft format (excel) (pdf).



Summer Practice Steps






Guidelines for Report Writing


Previous SP Locations & SP Offerings


SP Abroad




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20/05/2024 - 18:01