M.Sc. Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2021-ongoing
B.Sc. Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2017-2021
D. E. Arkadaş, M. Akpınar, E. G. Schmidt and K. W. Schmidt, "Clock Synchronization for the Controller Area Network using Bit Timing Information," 2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Safranbolu, Turkey, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SIU55565.2022.9864984.
ACCLOUD (ACcelerated CLOUD): A Novel, FPGA Accelerated Cloud Architecture with Prof. Ece Güran Schmidt
CANDS: A Novel Framework for the Deterministic, Real-Time, Reliable and Cost-Efficient In-Vehicle Communication of Automotive Cyber Physical Systems with Prof. Klaus Werner Schmidt
Courses / Laboratories
EE445 Computer Architecture I
EE446 Computer Architecture II Laboratory
EE444 Introduction to Computer Networks
EE447 Introduction to Microprocessors Laboratory