Doğa Buse Çavdır Semineri

Music and Movement: Designing for Gestural Interaction with Digital Musical Instruments and Computer Technology

Önemli Duyuru: Hava şartları sebebi ile seminer 27 aralık 2018 tarihine ertelenmiştir. Saat ve yeri değişmemiştir.  
(15:40, Sevim Tan)

Although the advancements in movement sensing technologies offer numerous possibilities for new interface design, the expressivity in physical interaction with the new musical instruments still stays underdeveloped. In my recent work, I try to address this issue with techniques which include complex gestures and kinesthetic skills. Much of my research has sought to widen the idea of involving gestures from various domains to instrument playing through new interfaces and digital musical instruments. The talk will include examples of design, manufacturing, and performances focusing on the communication between the performer, instrument, and the audience. In the frame of our limited time, I will try to present the highlights of the computer music and acoustics fields in conjunction with engineering, arts, and design through my projects over the past year.


Bio: Doga Buse Cavdir is a Ph.D. student at Stanford’s Center for Computer Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). She performs research on the design, manufacturing, and composition of movement-based digital musical instruments (DMI), sonic interaction, and human-computer interaction. She is a 2017 graduate from Department of  Electrical and Electronics Engineering at METU. She previously conducted research with ULTRAMEMS Research Group at METU and Music Technology Group (MTG) in UPF, Barcelona.


Doga Buse Seminar