Preliminary Evaluation Results of Research Assistant Applications
Preliminary evaluation results of research assistant applications at METU EEE have been announced. Candidates may see the results using the link and the password that was sent to their e-mail stated in their applications. Please check your e-mail.
2020-2021 Fall Semester BKA Awards Ceremony
Bulent Kerim Altay awards ceremony will be held online on June 25, 2021, Friday at 14:00. The sophomore, junior and senior students with the highest academic performance in the spring semester of 2019-2020 academic year will receive their awards. Please check your e-mails for the meeting link.
Dear 2021 METU-EE Graduates!
We congratulate your upcoming graduation from METU Electrical - Electronics Engineering department!
This message aims to inform you about free email forwarding service provided to our undergraduate program alumni. Please keep reading, it is indeed interesting.
Email Aliasing and Forwarding Service:
Following your graduation, your metu email account will be closed shortly. The official student mail address shows a clear connection between you and METU. Unfortunately this connection becomes invisible, once your account is closed.
2019-2020 Spring Semester BKA Awards Ceremony
Bulent Kerim Altay awards ceremony will be held online on April 16, 2021, Friday at 13:30. The sophomore, junior and senior students with the highest academic performance in the spring semester of 2019-2020 academic year will receive their awards. Please check your e-mails for the meeting link.
Science Academy Young Scientists Awards
Our faculty members, Assoc. Dr. Murat Göl and Assoc. Dr. Our Selçuk Yerci, have won the Science Academy Young Scientists Award Program. We congratulate them for their success.
FRESHDATA: Redesigning Networking for Information Freshness
Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Elif Uysal
Project Type: TUBITAK 2247-B Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program
Project Duration: 24 months
Project Start Date: July 1, 2021
Funded Personnel: 2 PhD Students (Full-Time), 1 Postdoc, 1 Engineer